Surf's Up?

New to LPSG, not sure what this site is about :redface:. Any beach people out there say hello. I am always interested in new and good beach spots around the USA. Mostly I am a stay at home mom, but love the beach or pool, heading to Hawaii very soon and can't wait!


I think of this site as a facebook for the genitalia. It's a warped online social network. Many many sock puppets, fakes, imposters, impersonators and sociopaths make up its ranks, along with some more sane types. Don't expect, just enjoy it.
I agree with oceanskinflute about the makeup of the site. There are some sane people, but hard to weed out. Mostly many "wanna be's" and fakers... Rule #1 Don't believe everything you are told and Rule #2 If it looks too good to be real, it probably is...

have fun here... keep it safe~~
Hey! I'm a beach bum too! Just depends on what type of beach you are looking for! I am a fan of Haulover in Miami! :) I'm also a fan of Fancy Pants!! She is the real deal ;) Welcome! What brought you here?
It's all about the norcal beaches, like Davenport and Santa Cruz; there's a reason old man o'neill settled here;)
Good comments from above... some super intelligent, fun people here, but wackos also.... so have fun... there is a reason we all come back for more....

This place is kinda weird but pretty fun. There is a enjoyable voyueristic quality to a lot of the discussions and threads. The big problem with lpsg is that good, interesting conversation can sometimes be ruined by idiots looking to be argumentative and the ego driven posters. It is a lot harder for women here, a lot lot harder. Over my time here I have definitely picked up a pretty strong streak of misongony which is very frustrating and sad. You'll often see women attacked especially new women for no good reason and I seen the sentence "babiez go throough there you think a women couldn't take a *insert a scary number*" too often

Don't let what I said scare you though this place is generally great. I like hearing about other peoples sexual experiences and opinions especially those of the female posters.
Welcome! I too am a lover of nude beaches. This site is great as long as you do not take it too seriously.
You can meet all sorts here, and even make some good friends.

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