LPSG litter

I'm not big on blogging, but I just refuse, along with thinking it would be hypocritical, to add to the "problem", so instead of posting, I'm putting my thoughts here.

I honestly don't have anything against the original posters, or really even the contributors, but what's with the all of the "garbage" threads here? That is, I'm all for having fun, I mean, look at my post history, but what's with all of the threads and posts that seem as though they can really only be for the sole purpose of boosting a member's thread count, or to say, "Look am ME"?

If you just have to throw a thought out to say something, how about?

Not to be confused with the much later copy:

Most know that my favourite thread, or, as I call it, my "Substance Barometer" is:
That is, the more activity seen in this thread, seems directly proportional to the lack of threads with quality to them. (As an aside, there was a period, where anyone posting in it was added to my ignore list, a practice that I've since mostly abandoned. :tongue:)

But then we get, and I'm not seeing much difference here:

And there's yet more "randomness" like:

Seriously? You're really contributing by creating a NEW thread to say:
"My car has a new antenna ball," or to actually take the time to post a NUMBER???

I'm really not trying to be all high-and-mighty, and again, a review of my post history shows that to be true, and yeah, Yeah, YEAH, I KNOW, if I don't like it, I don't have to read it, but I just think that as much as people want, and should be able to have, fun here, can't we confine it somewhat, and not junk the place up so much be scattering it EVERYWHERE? There are constant complaints that for a "Support" site, that there's no longer as much information and discussion here as there once was. I don't like to think that's necessarily true, but I DO think that it's more and more difficult to find when it's so quickly dropped off of the "Latest Threads", and/or buried, between all of the "fun".


Well - If you're being a hypocrit at all, you're not as much of a one as I am because I'm always posting in these bloody things. And I was enjoying fucking about in Drifter's Will this make it to 1000 thread yesterday but all the 'Ask..' threads (less so the parodies) have kinda made etc rather boring today. They're like teenaged Fleshpiles, but mostly without the sex - 'haha', 'lol', 'idk' being posted over and over again. I guess it is partly my method of browsing - I tend to favour the recently posted sidebar as a primary means of navigating but that has been pointless for most of today. In fairness to her Gillette suggested they take it to chat - which wasn't a bad suggestion. I don't really have anything against the OPs or contributors (except myself, I'm a cow, or should that be pig?). It's just that a good half dozen of these threads sprung up at once.
There have been some good brain food threads lately and the proliferation of these bubblegum threads is pushing them down the recents.
Ah you know they're probably just a phase and it'll pass - certainly if eejits like me stop posting to them that's more likely anyway :rolleyes:
Don't blame the OPs. Blame the Moderators for not merging threads. I don't know what the mods use, but there is the vBulletin Merge Tool, Merge 2, Impex, and others. The earlier the thread is merged the better.

I feel that the very long threads should be restarted, however. Nobody wants to sift through ten pages of text just to see if they are repeating a post.
There has been far too much crap here lately.

And most of it has been posted by people who have been here for a few months or less. Sorry if that pisses anyone off, but that's how it is.
I second Rob's comment. Sorry, but some of these recent threads are pure idiocy. It's a reminder of those LOVELY appreciation threads. I'm NOT sorry if that pisses people off. I'm kinda tired of the 'new waves' of people terrorizing the threads. There's post whores and then there is bullshit. At least the old post whores added a bit of thought.

What really kicks the can, novice... is the fact that the same people are flooding Random thoughts (1&2), kill this thread, count to 25,000, and all these "ask me" threads.

It would be quite interesting to see all those threads being merged...
Kill This Thread, Count to 25,000, and most of the Ask Me ... threads are total wastes of time and an announcement that we're just a bunch of juveniles.
Except we're not.
I wonder if mods should have some instruction to merge certain of these threads, perhaps to lock many of them as they come up, and basically drown the kittens when it's necessary. (The two Random Thoughts threads should have been merged yesterday.)
And there should be a 'sticky' put up in various threads to announce the policy.
The threads that are particularly egregious wastes of bandwidth should be the first focus. (Count to 25,000.)
Some of the others are more judgment calls.
This has been bothering me as well, novice. Thanks for posting this.

In the year that I've been here, I've noticed a serious degradation in the quality of threads (i.e., ones with intellectual stimulation). It was one of the main reasons I joined.

Then, over the last year I've started some threads that seemingly fell flat on their faces, despite my crafting them to provoke some thought - this one being the most recent.

It bums me out to watch the litter threads prosper when I want to hear some actual human thought. It makes me think the population here has lost its charm (I can just hear Madame Zora, et al smirking now).

It kinda makes me not want to be here anymore. So I do what I did last night - got drunk and posted a bunch of shit :p
Dear God yes! Learn to merge threads! Oh if I were a mod! I'd spend all my time here merging, merging, and moving threads. I couldn't believe a circumcision thread spent all that time in Etc Etc!!! Jesus mary and joseph on stilts!! What I call, "the duh threads," of meaningless stuff are fine but stick them in the whatever ghetto of Funny Stuff.

If a thread is really ancient and diverged into uselessness then fine, create a new thread, but, "Was your dad big?" "ever have a wet dream?" have been done again and again and there's no reason they shouldn't be merged with the same threads, some of which are less than a month old. Like "Shrinkage" now has a new thread and yes damnit! It mentions George Costanzana!!! AIIEEEE!!!!
but what's with all of the threads and posts that seem as though they can really only be for the sole purpose of boosting a member's thread count, or to say, "Look am ME"?

That is exactly what I have thought. There are many lonely and insecure people here, it would seem.
act2 said:
That is exactly what I have thought. There are many lonely and insecure people here, it would seem.

I don't know if it is an insecurity thing. I think one person does something here, has some success in it, so 15 other people do it because they want attention. :)
I don't know if it is an insecurity thing. I think one person does something here, has some success in it, so 15 other people do it because they want attention. :)

When one is motivated by wanting attention that isn't being a wee bit insecure?
When one is motivated by wanting attention that isn't being a wee bit insecure?

Perhaps :wink: I think it depends on the person. Some people just like attention, they like being in the spotlight. When they are by themselves they are fine... they just enjoy attention. Others do it because they are secure. Maybe we are both right?
Perhaps :wink: I think it depends on the person. Some people just like attention, they like being in the spotlight. When they are by themselves they are fine... they just enjoy attention. Others do it because they are secure. Maybe we are both right?

I dunno, I think sometimes insecurity screams loud and sometimes it is hidden under layers. But, sure we can both be right. Don't find myself to be one of those types that have to have people thinking the way I do. Gave that up probably three or so years ago. =0)
It's a great pity that putting people on ignore doesn't prevent them from posting in one's threads. Or starting their own threads, for that matter.
Ironic you should bring this up, Novice. A few days ago I almost started a help desk thread for this issue. I didn't out of sheer exhaustion at the thought. Guess I will anyway.

Rec, Jason, we do know how to merge threads, I do it more often than you may be aware. The problem arises when people bitch and moan about how their thread was distinct because, say, their thread on circumcision was specifically for men six feet tall or taller as opposed to all men. Or perhaps because it hadn't been discussed in a whole entire week and they thought a fresh thread on the topic would liven things.

I'm reserving comment on the "ask" threads. Barely.
I appreciate the work the mods do on merging threads. We can't expect that they can catch every repeat thread or search every new thread to see if it's been done before. I certainly agree that there are some odd threads sometimes.

I appreciate the work the mods do on merging threads. We can't expect that they can catch every repeat thread or search every new thread to see if it's been done before. I certainly agree that there are some odd threads sometimes.

Hmm, and here I thought this would go rather unnoticed, the venting, more an exercise for my own benefit. I'm glad to see that it was not only noticed, but commented on, and that I'm not the only one that's noticed this trend. It's a bit ironic that the discussion here is some of the best I've seen recently.

I seem to have missed the "Ask" (???) threads, but from the comments here, I'm glad I did, and not going to find them.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts.
I try not to take them too seriously, but I definitely feel like I'm getting overexposed. I'd like to think that if I just step away from the computer, it'll be better manageable. And if that falls through, I'm not afraid of the Ignore feature.
well, if we do start getting rid of these ridiculous, senseless threads, what the hell is hickboy going to do? :biggrin1:

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