Who can selfsuck and is into selfsucking?

Am cute, 28y, european, I can selfsuck and am into selfsucking, looking for similars. Write me a private message with your skype id and let's have some fun with your webcam! Please specify your age and if you can selfsuck in the skype request. if you are hung and really cute, you do not have to be a selfsucker, but write it in the request!



I think being able to selfsuck is so hot. I live in Minneapolis, MN USA. Wish could hook up with others here who can or interested in it.
I can selfsuck! My dick is 6" and on a good day i can suck on 2 of them. Im always practicing yoga and its getting really natural to selfsuck, especially in position. I wouldnt mind selfing on cam with other guys into the same thing, thats my dream :D Whats your skype 21cm26y?

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