
I'm not sure how much information of past roommates I've had, but in the past, my experiences have been really bad. We'll just leave it at that.

Anyways, for about seven months now I've been paying an abnormally high rental price each month for my apartment. I'm paying for a two bedroom two bathroom apartment by myself. It's been tough, but I've slightly been managing.

Anyways, two of my coworkers have been talking about moving out of their houses because they don't like where they are, and they need their own place. Well I jokingly said that I had a spare room and they could move in, one thing led to another, and they are moving in next Saturday.

I'm nervous because 1) I'll be living with people again, and 2) they're both girls, and I've never had female roommates before. I know it's not any different than living with guys, but I mean I've never ever lived with a girl, so it's just a different experience I suppose. Plus, they're coworkers. I don't think that will complicate things, but I mean, I don't know. It'll be interesting.

But, on the positive side, it means I'll be saving several hundred dollars each month on rent and utilities, it means I can be less stingy with money, I can drive more often to see my boyfriend, I can afford to buy food, because as of right now I've been living off of scraps, like, litereally almost nothing. It's been bad.

All in all I think it will be a good experience, but I needed to vent it out because I'm a heavy processor. I already talked to my boyfriend about it, and he helped me talk through it, but I needed to release more.


I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.

Have a wonderful evening.


I've done this. Is there a second bathroom? You'll want there to be.

And remember to have the roomate talk. Who does what, and what is the definition of clean. Get that right, and you're golden.
Suggestion: Watch all the episodes of "Three's Company" :lmao::lmao:

On a more serious note: I hope you and the girls set a few ground rules such as:
*Never bring personal shit to work.... What happens at home stays home...
*Do they know you are gay? Is this something everyone at work knows? If not, you should decide how important it is that they know you well enough to share this with them.
*ground rules for payments.... put this in writing so you will have a contract with them to make sure they do not bail out and leave you with a ton of expenses. Who pays for what in the house? When is rent due and how is that handled (probably the MOST important piece of information.)
*ground rules for parties....what if one of you is sick and in bed and someone else wants to party all night long? just something to think about.
*this is YOUR place but you should set some rules up front instead of making them as you go. Are you going to allow smoking or drugs in your home? If not, you should be explicit and this should be part of the contract between them. Smoking hazards and illegal drug use could be detrimental to all three of you ... plus any friends that happen to be there, should a fire occur... or heaven forbid, cops come in and raid the place.

Just a few things to think about... also think about what went wrong with your past roommates... address those issues up front.

good luck and I hope things turn out well and you have great, awesome roommates.
Maybe you could write up a 3 month clause.

If it doesn't work they have to pack up.

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