To be medicated or not to be medicated...

That is the question. I told my doctor if he didn't make my emotional pain stop... I would stop it myself. So he wrote me off another prescription for Olanzapine. So, here I go into another emotional void... you'll notice my personality change and that kinda depresses me. Oh well...

My issues with gender identity are not totally dealt with yet either and I'm being sent for more therapy! yay!


i hope this is a psychiatrist. general practitioners have no business prescribing antipsychotics. Olanzapine (Zyprexa) is a really serious drug with very serious side effects. I'm sure you've done your research, but unless you're so manic or anxious that you're climbing the walls, I don't know that Zyprexa is the best option. But I don't know your medication history either.
....Kink you feel the emotional pain because you are alive. The medication is a band aid that will make you feel numb but not address the underlying issues. Life is hard but it's through the tough times that you develop your character and get to know yourself. It's all part of the hero's journey!

Your mind is your most powerful gift. Learn to master your mind. You create your reality.

Have you ever asked yourself what you really want? If you don't know what you want, how can you be happy?

Good luck!
I want to be a gay male..

Snoozan... Zyprexa has been helpful before in stopping the constant paranoia about people talking about me. It brings me to a null and void emotional state until they can further figure out whats wrong with me. All the signs are leading heavily to the borderline personality disorder.. but I think it's deeper than that now.
To be medicated or not to be medicated... Posted by Think_Kink

That is the question. I told my doctor if he didn't make my emotional pain stop... I would stop it myself. So he wrote me off another prescription for Olanzapine. Another? If you have taken this before did it work? So, here I go into another emotional void... you'll notice my personality change and that kinda depresses me. Oh well... Are you sure it makes you emotionally void? maybe a decreased dosage will help. My issues with gender identity are not totally dealt with yet either and I'm being sent for more therapy! yay! I can never tell online, was that sarcasm or happiness? Either way I think therapy is a good thing, especially for someone with a personality disorder.

I want to be a gay male... Have you not suffered enough? :confused: Gay men don't have easy lives ya know. I don't mean to belittle or condemn and I am NOT a therapist. From what you have mentioned online I think this is all tied in with your feelings for Brandon. Like if you can't have him you want to be him. Then again maybe not. What the fuck do I know I majored in art history. Snoozan... Zyprexa has been helpful before in stopping the constant paranoia about people talking about me. It brings me to a null and void emotional state until they can further figure out what's wrong with me. All the signs are leading heavily to the borderline personality disorder.. but I think it's deeper than that now. I'm so sorry you hurt like this. I hope you are able to finally get good help that doesn't make you feel as if you are losing yourself in the process.


Sounds like an episode of Jerry Springer.
Posted by sugarandspice
:bryce: Stay out of her blogs. :12: Your insensititive snipings are not needed here.
nj, gender confusion is part of the borderline personality disorder.. so I'm not sure if it's that, or if it's something deeper. I'm not attracted to Brandon in male on male way unfortunately. I see him very straight wise.

I'll only know when I get the proper help. Although you aren't the only one who's tried to get me to see that gay men don't have it easier. It's not a question of easier or not.. it's being happy with who I am, and whom I'm attracted to.

But there is a straight boy off this site that I've totally fallen for.
nj, gender confusion is part of the borderline personality disorder... Really? :confused: Cause I was diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder in 2004. Gender confusion is one of the few symptoms I do not have. so I'm not sure if it's that, or if it's something deeper. I'm not attracted to Brandon in male on male way unfortunately. I see him very straight wise. Hmm, that's interesting. I wonder why that is?

I'll only know when I get the proper help. Although you aren't the only one who's tried to get me to see that gay men don't have it easier. It's not a question of easier or not.. it's being happy with who I am, and whom I'm attracted to. I get that, but I guess I got used to you identifying yourself as bisexual.

But there is a straight boy off this site that I've totally fallen for. Would that be the cute football player?:wink:

Posted 3 Hours Ago at 12:19 AM by Think_Kink
No, the football player lives in my town. This boy.. doesn't.

I identify as bisexual because I like the purple background lol. I'm bi-gendered.
I agree with Snoozan that your GP shouldn't be medicating you for mental health issues unless he's also a psychiatrist, unless it's for the most minor and common physical ailments I think it's best to view your GP as someone who just hands you on to the relevant specialist. I wouldn't recommend just stopping your medication unless it's under supervision.
My dear please know that i and many others have been down the dark road of mental pain. I have been there so many times in my life. It takes time but you will see the light as i have.
Borderline Perosnality Disorder is an Axis 2 diagnosis. Some of the mood problems, etc.. that people with this diagnosis may have may be treated with medication. But the disorder itself should be treated with therapy. A model called Dialectical Behavioral Therapy has been used with a lot of succes for people with BPD.
It had gotten to the point I was drinking every night, taking anti-depressants and nerve pills just so I could make it thru each day,
my dad got sick so I stopped the drinking but continued with the
pills, when he passed away a month ago I quit them also, I go
to counseling now and am seeking the courage to get a divorce. Counseling is one of the best things I could have done. Instead of feeling pathetic and ashamed I know that there are others like me and people to help. All the shit I have carried around is slowly
lessening and I have found that my friends have had some idea
about what has been going on and are so eager to help.
I bet you have some too, please go to therapy, if that person
isn't right find another. You are not alone in this there are several
people that have answered your thread wanting to help you, including
I have her on ignore. Why is this blog available for me to see?

Borderlines are well known for dishing shit out and then having NO idea why they get it back.

She needs a 12 step program and stop obsessing over herself all the time.

Be a volunteer. Make yourself useful.

Stop looking for an easy way out. There isn't one.
Everything you need to get better is going to have to come from you and your hard work. I'm not try to call you lazy. It is just a fact that you will only get better from what you put into your recovery.

Seriously though yoga really helps. Try to get a Thai massage.
Also getting your chakra's opened and aligned will really help. I promise.

Reiki is awesome and you should start with that.
Find a place to get classes and meet with the others who practice and get free Reiki when you do it for others.
My roommate started taking Lunesta the other day. My GP gave her the RX. She wouldn't tell me what was the matter and just wanted my doctor's name and number. I looked it up on wiki, must be kind of like Ambien, though. I thought she had been drinking all night and she skipped work, but I don't know now. Anyway, she has been doing too much drinking recently anyway, but has full-time job, so really can't keep skipping. Know about lunesta? Is that new? I took Ambien one time about 4 years ago, it made me a little nauseous.
The problem may well be getting a psych consult in time and so the GP is using a stop-gap measure of giving her what a psychiatrist gave her before. I hope the GP has the records from the psychiatrist.

In truth, the patient is the best person to determine if a psych drug is doing what it should. If something has worked well before then it may work as well again.

Either way, you have a lot of people in your corner Tink and we love you and I know I can sympathize with what you're going through as I've been there too and it's awful. S&S is partially right. Drugs can only do so much. They can't get you out of the storm but they can steady the ship enough to allow you to steer it to safe harbor. I agree with the yoga and meditation thing as well. They have proven very helpful for some people and I'm trying to learn more about it as what little I've done of them seem to help.

: I can understand clicking on it to see if it's blocked or not but why continue reading? Those therapies might be helpful and they're a good idea but she lives in a tiny cow town out on the Canadian prairie. Maybe she does need to do a lot of things but she's 19 and not very sure of herself. The best thing we can do is help her build confidence in herself so she will gain the insight and ability to fight her problems. Even the strongest man in the world can't lift a feather if he's convinced he can't do it.

becominghorse: What does this have to do with anything pertaining to the blog? I suggest asking it in the Etc or Healthy Penis section (which seems to get most of the health questions regardless of anatomical part in question). Yes, Lunesta is new. Lots of information on it elsewhere on the net.
I have her on ignore. Why is this blog available for me to see?

Borderlines are well known for dishing shit out and then having NO idea why they get it back.

She needs a 12 step program and stop obsessing over herself all the time.

Be a volunteer. Make yourself useful.

Stop looking for an easy way out. There isn't one.
Everything you need to get better is going to have to come from you and your hard work. I'm not try to call you lazy. It is just a fact that you will only get better from what you put into your recovery.

Seriously though yoga really helps. Try to get a Thai massage.
Also getting your chakra's opened and aligned will really help. I promise.

Reiki is awesome and you should start with that.
Find a place to get classes and meet with the others who practice and get free Reiki when you do it for others.
Dishing out shit? sweetheart what the fuck are you talking about... I have a gender identity issue, I'm not mentally disabled like your post proved you even more to be.

I am obsessed with myself.. when you look as good as I do, you can do that.
I volunteered for years and I work in a long term care facility. I'll be graduating in a similar profession in a few months. So fuck off okay. You go volunteer so you can get your disability check because I'm fine the way I am. I'm a full time student and spend 32+ hours a week at the long term care facility and then hold a job at the same time.

I think I'll skip on the fucked up massage and yoga shit.. that's not going to help a personality disorder or gender identity issue as well as it will help your moronic brain be okay with itself.

Oh and S&S you post in my journals again.. and I'll post a pretty picture for you...
Kink, I'm not sure I should post this, but the fact is that you do dish out a fair bit of shit. You do, rather constantly.
I'm not saying that to wound you in any way.
But if you're going to get anywhere, you have to start with a sense of where you are.
If this offends, I apologize.
The fact is... it's not that I can't handle it. That was my questionable sense of it. I'm a shit disturber, a damn good one... but I expect it back, or else the game wouldn't be fun.

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