How does one know they are in love?

*le sigh* he's absolutely beautiful. His personality, his face, everything about him. One week, is it even possible. His smile makes me smile, his mesmerizing eyes... I eagerly await chatting with him, cute voice, adorable facial expressions.... oh my. I'm in e-love.


People who are bipolar fall in love easy.
At least you have powerful feelings and are willing to take risks with your heart.
Try to call it infatuated.
It can be hard to tell the difference.
Why can't you have face to face relationships.
Don't waste your youth.
You have the most opportunity to develop relationships and have blissful sex at this age.
It can harder the older you get.
Take advantage of it now.
I hate to see you wasting your life on line.
This is someone you have met online? You haven't met him in person yet?

The only way to know if it is real love is to meet him in person. Or this is what I have heard from so many other friends.

I was out at the lake talking to this guy friend and he told me that there had been many times when he would hit it off with a lady friend on the Internet.....burn up the phone lines talking to each other and then finally arrange to meet in person and the chemistry wouldn't be there and both of them could feel that there wasn't that physical chemistry that is needed to draw 2 people together.

I sure as heck didn't understand it......I would think if everything is going great online everything would work out. But who knows, maybe he was a very picky guy and he was using the chemistry thing as an excuse. That did run across my mind.

I don't know the answer. The Internet wasn't around when I was dating and I have almost been married 20 years. My advice would be to meet him in person as soon as you can and if everything is still as good as you think it could be love at first sight. Or love at first contact.
well depends how long you been with him. i typically hold off on being in love until several months. cause that way i know its not just infatuation anymore.
Anythings possible but it's unlikely to be real love after just a week, someone famous said something along the lines of 'lust depends on mystery, love depends on knowledge', so until you really know someone how can you love them? But you don't have to be in true love for it to make your heart flutter :)
I dunno, I'm sorry to all those who have posted before, I can't figure out how to approve the posts.

Anyways, the second I met Brandon I fell in love with him, that lasted 7 years. So, I'm wary to say anything is impossible.
There is definitely such a thing as love at first sight.

Whether the love LASTS... well, only time will tell. :wink:
The thing that sucks about love is to truly find it, you have to keep putting yourself out there and you may get hurt numerous times.

The upside is once you do find it, you soon forget all those times you got hurt.

Odd how that works.

I truly hope he sees the gorgeous woman you are and returns your sentiment.
I pray to heaven this is the real deal. You deserve so much happiness after so much sheer CRAP!

And uh, yeah, you're in love.

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