Wow wtf was I thinking?!

I rarely think negatively of anyone I take the time to talk to.. but now I'm grasping at what the fuck happened because "beautiful boy" is now ignoring me... and wont say why, or read my messages either..

what the fuck!!!


Right after he got me on cam.. he's the second person to see me... said I was hot and should do it for more people.. now he wont read my messages and no response to my valentines card... I'm so angry that I actually cared about someone and this happened... I only learn day by day how much people are fucking crazy.
You aren't that hard to handle. I see you as a cut gemstone.

Multi-faceted and very beautiful.

Who knows why guys do things like that. When I used to cam, I never cammed with someone and just "evaporated".

Maybe it was what you did on cam. Let me see and then I can tell you. :naughty:

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