What harem girls want from a Master - Witness of Gor

I think that we, women, although not immune to male beauty, are less seriously influenced by it than men, the brutes, by female beauty. Indeed, a pretty male face can be aversive to us. The masculinity that attracts us, and can overwhelm us, is one of intelligence, power and virility, one of ruggedness and might.

We are looking, so to speak, for our harem Master, although we would hope to be the only slave in the harem. We want a man at whose feet we feel it is appropriate that we should kneel, as woman, and slaves. We do not want an equal, that is not enough for us, we want more than that, we want a Master.

We want him to be strong, ambitious, aggressive, possessive, jealous, lustful, dangerous, dominant. We want him to guard us, and protect us, and own us, with masculine ferocity, to see us as his rightful properties. We want to feel ourselves as though we were nothing before his wrath and power.

We want to feel that it is the most important thing in the world for us that we please him. We want him to be jealous of us, and fiercely possessive of us we want to be important to him; we do not want to be ignored or neglected; we do not want to be taken for granted, or just be there, perhaps almost unnoticed, as are so many wives of Earth, the slave, I assure you, receives a great deal of attention, perhaps more than she sometimes cares for, she, in her service, and subject to his command and domination, is muchly noticed, one of the cruelest of punishments he can inflict upon us is to subject us to the same neglect and indifference commonly accorded to an Earth wife; how we strive to be pleasing to him, that that will not occur; but it seldom occurs; better the mercy of the slave lash; he must want to keep track of us, for we are his possessions; he must want to know our thoughts, our whereabouts, and our every action.

He desires us; he lusts for us; and we are his; and so he is jealous of us and inordinately possessive of us, his relished goods, his coveted prize, his properties, his slaves; and so he keeps us on a short leash.

(Witness of Gor, p.459-460)
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