The Truth About Kinky Women

The Truth About Kinky Women

Some seem to think that just because a woman is into getting tied up, spanked, and fucked in the ass, she's somehow different from a "normal" woman.

Some seem to think that just because a woman likes to have sex, talk about sex, and sometimes be naked in front of people, she should want to do that with you, without knowing anything at all about you except that you like women to get naked in front of you.

Submissives aren't submissive to everyone

You'll hear submissives say "I'm submissive, but I'm not your submissive." No matter how many times you've read The Story of O, there is no chateau full of submissive women who are available on demand to anyone who wants to use them.

Kinky women are not easy

Some kinky women have multiple partners. Some women will do some sort of limited play with people they just met. As a rule most women will not get intimate with a guy they know nothing about. Kinky women are no different.

Kinky women are not objects

Sure, some women like being objectified, to be used as fuck toys. But you know what? The women who like that trust the people who do that to them, Do you know why they trust them? Because they know them as people. They have connected as human beings before they connected as kinksters.

Kinky women have feelings

Do some kinky women want to be humiliated, degraded, hurt, and used? Absolutely. This may be hard to understand, but while they may want all those things, they want them in a supportive, trusting, and caring environment. You call me a slut, I will kick your balls, (that is, if not in good fun with my friends on LPSG ;). MY Master calls me a slut, and I melt! See the difference?

Edited extract from Septimus
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I like (except the part of you kicking me in the balls). This is well thought out and very persuasive. Thanks for shedding some light on this
Agree with all of the above. The kinky partners I play with would agree wholeheartedly as well.
Yep, I totally agree... everyone is kinky, just there are limits to what one thinks about and their experiences.

To allow complete trust is all about kinky. Kinky can be simple and overlooked, and can be down right dirty as well.

My soul mate is not kinky physically, but her mind is kinky enough for me. :eek:)~

Sad, she has had some not so good experiences, which have kept her closed minded, but those experiences are not what I expect from her anyway. I guess if anything, I feel bad that a woman has to go through them experiences time to time with sexual partners. After all the act should be shared mutually, not forced upon by how much you love me and being compromised in the act.

I think she'll show her physical kinkiness more when she gets her mitts on me, because we hardly get any privacy time.

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