

I kneel, supplicant before you
my will offered up in quiet acquiescence
awaiting your approval or reproach
the fine line between pleasure and pain
becomes ever sweeter with your control
with every touch, kiss, word
smoldering embers are kindled
tormenting desires awakened
I quiver
captured by heat and hunger
bend me to your will
My Lord
show me what you most desire
my purpose but to serve
through your dominion I find myself
You, the Master of many
my only

Just an other beautiful D/s poem!
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Quite Good,i am a published author and poet.
I encourage you to be creative always,expression of the soul is beautiful.
“It's hard for an educated woman to turn her head off. That's part of the joy of being a submissive. None of the decisions are yours. When you can't refuse anything and can't even move, those voices in your head go silent. All you can do, and all you are permitted to do, is feel.” ― Cherise Sinclair, Dark Citadel

You found a sexy poem! Thanks for sharing!

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