I am a 22 year old straight male,and I'm fucking sick of all the judgmental, sexist, and homophobic shit I hear and read and see around on a daily basis. It's not likely that I could ever change the world. However, one more person actually speaking openly about whatever it may be can at least share a bit of humanity. Right?
Now, a co-worker of mine was "somewhat" outed, the other day. By what people think was his boyfriend dropping something off to him and leaving with a hug and a kiss.
Ever since then, he was getting shit on by damn near ever dick and harry with a chip on their shoulder. Either by sabotaging his work space (they called it decorating), his actual work, by lying, and a bunch of childish shit. Until finally, his performance review came up, and it wasn't "satisfactory" and he was let go. Never minding the fact that his work hasn't missed a beat.....
Now, it utterly disgusts me that just because this man might be gay, that a bunch of middle-aged, clattering dickholes would put anyone through all that shit, then kick him to the curb after they had their little fun.
And what amazes me more, is that these bunch of "men" care so much about some dude's private life.
I mean, if someone wants to do handstands with midgets painted green lowering MILF shemales with a giant crane into one's lubed ass, singing Liza Minelli-tunes in Italian, it's nobody's fucking business but the receiver, the midgets and the trans MILF involved. And unless if their exhibitionists, or forcing that on to an unwilling participant, no one else is going to witness that epic clusterfuck. That's their sexuality, no one else's.
Why make such a big deal over something that one is never going to witness?
In ways, it kind of shames me as a guy, to see such stupidity among the ranks of the "straight". It makes me wonder if we are truly as simple-minded as the typical image of Manliness implies? Are we really as violently competitive? Ridiculously territorial and materialistic? And unaccepting to something different?
If the answers are yes to any of the above, that's just utterly absurd and outrageously fucktarded.
I guess my thing is, unless if it directly affects me, why bother making someone's way of life an issue? I am me, You are you. We might have different ways of living, but unless if you affect my way of life....
Why would I give a fuck?
/rant over.......
Now, a co-worker of mine was "somewhat" outed, the other day. By what people think was his boyfriend dropping something off to him and leaving with a hug and a kiss.
Ever since then, he was getting shit on by damn near ever dick and harry with a chip on their shoulder. Either by sabotaging his work space (they called it decorating), his actual work, by lying, and a bunch of childish shit. Until finally, his performance review came up, and it wasn't "satisfactory" and he was let go. Never minding the fact that his work hasn't missed a beat.....
Now, it utterly disgusts me that just because this man might be gay, that a bunch of middle-aged, clattering dickholes would put anyone through all that shit, then kick him to the curb after they had their little fun.
And what amazes me more, is that these bunch of "men" care so much about some dude's private life.
I mean, if someone wants to do handstands with midgets painted green lowering MILF shemales with a giant crane into one's lubed ass, singing Liza Minelli-tunes in Italian, it's nobody's fucking business but the receiver, the midgets and the trans MILF involved. And unless if their exhibitionists, or forcing that on to an unwilling participant, no one else is going to witness that epic clusterfuck. That's their sexuality, no one else's.
Why make such a big deal over something that one is never going to witness?
In ways, it kind of shames me as a guy, to see such stupidity among the ranks of the "straight". It makes me wonder if we are truly as simple-minded as the typical image of Manliness implies? Are we really as violently competitive? Ridiculously territorial and materialistic? And unaccepting to something different?
If the answers are yes to any of the above, that's just utterly absurd and outrageously fucktarded.
I guess my thing is, unless if it directly affects me, why bother making someone's way of life an issue? I am me, You are you. We might have different ways of living, but unless if you affect my way of life....
Why would I give a fuck?
/rant over.......