The full moon.

Normally full moons don't affect me much, I just notice other people acting weirder than normal and just have a general feeling that something odd is going on. It usually isn't until the end of the day that I realize it was a full moon, but I can tell that it is.

Yesterday was different. My car broke down on the way to work and I couldn't get it running again. My dad left work to come help me, he couldn't get it running again either. We ended up having to leave my car where it was (some hot guy had stopped and helped me push it into a parking lot, at least) and my dad drove me to work but I was 40 minutes late and almost lost my job. Then on lunch, my dad offered to bring me food but I declined because he'd done enough for me that day and it was nice enough outside to walk. So I decide to walk to Burger King (closest place to my work) and about halfway there I trip over some invisible hole (I seriously have no idea how this happened) and sprained my ankle so bad that I couldn't walk. Had to call my father AGAIN and he rescued me and brought me back to work. He put a new battery in my car and said it started right up, so after work we drove over to get it. Car won't turn over or start. Ended up having to have it towed back to my apartment. *sigh*

So in short, I can barely walk and have no car. Lol. Here's to hoping today goes better!


Crap, its gotta!!!

Sounds like the alternator may have burned out... Most car parts stores will check for free, though you will need dad to remove it and bring it in.

If the alternator passes, then there is a short somewhere or very bad corroded cable. Might as well have dad look at the battery cables, both the ground cable and the starter. Cleaning the terminals will help if badly corroded.

As for the battery, it will recharge just fine once, you correct the issue.

Crosses fingers *Dad finds the issue and fixes car soon*

Keep off yer feet, and pillow it up with a ice pack to keep swelling down. Take Advil or something stronger if needed.

Goody thing ya gots the weekend ahead... this would reall really suck hind tit on a Monday. :eek:(
Wednesday night, I noticed that Venus and the Moon were very close to each other. I know it's not a unique occurrence, but it was unusual enough to notice. Maybe that caused alternators to go bad, and invisible holes to randomly appear before people's feet?

Anyway, It definitely sounds like a bad alternator to me.


My father just dropped my car off to me at work and said it was fixed. I asked him what was wrong and he said about six different things but he didn't elaborate. Lol. I'll get more out of him later. It wasn't the alternator or battery because car had full juice (windows, lights, radio, etcetera) but it wouldn't turn over. When I tried to start the car, you could hear the whine from the fuel and the clicking of the relay but nothing more. I guess I'll find out the answer later!
Ach, may be a starter switch or starter relay... they do go bad, but not often.

If the starter switch goes, it may burn out the contacts to the wires.

They are not that expensive, but are difficult to get at depending on manufacturer and make of the car.

Because of the winter, batteries tend to fail more often when temps get below 30 degrees, and that is why I spoke about the charging system and battery... now if ye be in Texas, over 100 degree weather for days on end, will also zap the life out of yer battery.
Other symptoms I was having include the radio randomly turning off and on while driving the vehicle, and the car stuttering while accelerating, like it was running out of gas or something. It's a 1989 Ford Taurus.
Just got home and talked to my father, in addition to the new battery I got a new starter relay and a new electronic control module. He cleaned up some corrosion on wires 'n stuff as well. He's not sure which individual thing fixed it, but somewhere along the line my car got all better! Still a piece of shit car, but she runs much better now.
freemshankle;bt109951 said:
That's not Venus, it's Jupiter.

That explains it. It's Jupiter!

IntoxicatingToxin - Glad to hear you are back on the road. A working piece of shit is better than hitching rides.

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