4th Week (May 2023, 29 - June, 3)

Finally reached 19 cm in girth! I didn't think it was even possible.

This week I wanted to put to good use what I’ve learned in the past few days. I understood how my cock reacts and his timing. I no longer had any feeling of fatigue or other drawbacks. I think my cock reacts well to pumping, maybe because it’s already naturally quite large (15 cm girth).

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I decided to gradually increase the time inside the tube. My weekly routine is as follows: 5 minutes in the tube, 1 break, and then progressively 10, 15 and 25 minutes. I pumped on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

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This allowed me to exceed 18 cm in length, but above all to reach 19 cm in girth, which left me thrilled! More girth than length!

I’ve never felt my cock so heavy and fat, I can’t even touch my fingertips. It’s mainly the area under the glans that thickens disproportionately, to the point that getting my cock out of the tube was difficult. After a few minutes of the last pumping session I can literally feel the foreskin inflating and touching the walls of the tube, completely filling the space it usually has between the glans.

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On Tuesday I wanted to pump some more, but I literally couldn’t get my head back into the tube! So I ordered a new larger tube (the largest Mister B, 3 in diameter), we’ll see next week the results. Also my beloved balls-and-cock ring is definitely too tight now, I can't put it on anymore after the pumping session, I'll have to buy a new one.

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About half an hour after the session, the foreskin still continues to blow even out of the tube, chiefly the “donut” around the head. The cock, especially when soft, has taken on an S shape, I guess due to the over-bloated foreskin. I find this sort of “deformation” very exciting, I had already noticed it in many pics of serious pumpers and I didn’t think I could get it myself!

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I have never experienced such a heavy, full feeling. Walking during the hours after pumping is difficult and I had to wear very tight trunks (easy to find with such a huge log of meat) to keep everything in place without hurting.

Another welcome surprise was waking up the day after Tuesday’s pumping. After so many hours my cock was still very big and heavy, and getting it into my trunks to go to work (I sleep without underwear) was a lot of fun. The outline of my cock is clearly visibile because I wear smart trouser that can’t hide the bulge, so I opted for a darker color and a longer suit.

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comments are very welcome!!!


@BigBoy12x8 please let me know, you're inspiring!
WOW..!!!! I agree with you, your cock is responding incredibly well to pumping. Your results in only 4 weeks is truly amazing. Yes, you are already achieving the 'S' shaping which will happen after pumping and 19cm girth is something to be proud of too!!! I look forward to seeing the results after working with the larger tube. My cock is now permanently 'deformed' with the donut being so big and tight, but I don't care - I love it! You will find that it is almost impossible to "hide" your big bulge despite wearing tighter underwear, after a while you won't be too bothered if people get an eye full of your big beautiful cock. I say "let them look!"
WOW..!!!! I agree with you, your cock is responding incredibly well to pumping. Your results in only 4 weeks is truly amazing. Yes, you are already achieving the 'S' shaping which will happen after pumping and 19cm girth is something to be proud of too!!! I look forward to seeing the results after working with the larger tube. My cock is now permanently 'deformed' with the donut being so big and tight, but I don't care - I love it! You will find that it is almost impossible to "hide" your big bulge despite wearing tighter underwear, after a while you won't be too bothered if people get an eye full of your big beautiful cock. I say "let them look!"
Thanks, I need the advice of a expert member like you! I can't wait to be permanently "deformed" like you. Regarding the bulge... ok I'll find a way to manage it, I have to wear smart trousers so... ok "let them look!".
Thank you pal! :heart:
I was so aware in my early days about the bulge showing at work etc. but after a while my colleagues accepted the fact that I was hung. It only took one guy standing next to me at the urinals, to confirm throughout the office that I was hung like a donkey. After that, interest dropped off a little and I relaxed and let it show. I still wore briefs to help contain it a little. I never admitted that I pumped my cock to help increase its girth.
I was so aware in my early days about the bulge showing at work etc. but after a while my colleagues accepted the fact that I was hung. It only took one guy standing next to me at the urinals, to confirm throughout the office that I was hung like a donkey. After that, interest dropped off a little and I relaxed and let it show. I still wore briefs to help contain it a little. I never admitted that I pumped my cock to help increase its girth.
Thanks again. The main thing is that I commute every day by train, sometimes very crowed, but after all it will only be a matter of getting used to!
I fully understand that you have not disclosed your pumping practice to colleagues, it is a very personal matter!
Thanks for posting this diary, man! The pics and info are great! I love that your cock is already acquiring that deformed look to it! I love that look, and weird looking, deformed cocks is something I find amazing and very pleasing to look at! Please post more so we can enjoy it!

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