NP and IKKK do Hollywood...

We meet on the eastern edge of Hollywood, in a little-known section of town called Silverlake, AKA the Swish Alps. The name of the restaurant is "Good" and they have a selection of over 300 beers.

IknowKK pulls up in a Lincoln Continenal (I think) and parks without mishap. She is a a petite gal with blue, blue eyes, a really pretty face and munchkin hands that flutter as she talks.

We discuss her recent (and only) speeding ticket, the weather, and our mutual acquaintances on LPSG. Impossible as it may sound, IKnowKK is even funnier in person.

It takes us half an hour (and a phone call to my s/o) to decide on which beer to drink. Choosing the food is easy - IKKK takes a steak, medium rare, with the house mashed potatoes. I take the salmon and greens but barely touch it as we're too busy dissecting life, living and the meaning of men.

Five hours later, we harness our wagons and pray that we don't get pulled over as we weave our ways home.

We hope to repeat the experience next time I go to the British Isles or her back to America.

Here's the proof!


We had "Hemp" ale on tap (it's a slightly sweet amber ale), then for dessert, a Shakespeare chocolate stout and then a Young's double chocolate stout. :tongue:

Well, SLB, if I ever pass through someday, on my way north to pay my respects to Nessie, I'll give you a ring -- and then I'll finally be able to meet Prince and your dog in person! :wink:
LOL it's a Chrysler 300... what's a Lincoln Continental? that sounds far too posh for me!!! :smile:

And darling, I don't think I've ever been called petite.... :wink: but thank you!

I had a wonderful evening with one of LPSGs finest ladies!

The food was great, the beer tasty but the company was the best!

Will definitely be looking for a re-match next time I'm in LA... :biggrin1:

Thank you my dear!
Having had the great pleasure of sharing a few beers with IKKK in New York at the start of her trip, I can attest to the beauty of her company and the depth of her drinking ability! It seems she has made it from coast to coast sipping on a lager. What a trip!
ROFL... hey hang on a minute...

You're all going to think I do nothing but booze!!!! :eek:

Having had enough run-ins with the law already I was very careful with ensuring I didn't give them yet another reason to give me a ticket :rolleyes:

You cheeky bastards!! :tongue: :biggrin1:
Oh, I know you were THINKING about something other than a beer...but, alas, a beer was all you swallowed...sigh.
There was something good behind the menu; was there anything good on it?

Hemp ale sounds nice. There's been a push to use hemp for as many things as possible. Having allergies to hops (and thusly beer), it might be interesting to find. Hemp cheese, however, is its own loss.
Another adventure in IKNOWKK WILD RIDE, its cool you gals had a good nite of eating, drinking, and chatting about the world of LPSG.
I now feel safer knowing kk didn't hit your car while parking, see that one of her stops is going to be here. and yet I'm not parking no where near her :wink:
Glad you had a nice time. Would have been nicer if you had invited HotMilf. :wink::biggrin1:
Camper Joe!!!!!!!! :eek:

ROFLMAO!!!!! :biggrin1:
That's too funny... though she did let me leave the car park first.... hmmmm... :cool:

And don't talk to me about parking.... I can now add that to my list of citations.... :redface:

I'm going to have to go home and get a job just to pay for all my fines!!

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