From Butch Construction Workers & Other Craftsmen

Some guys just have a spark. They're handsome and hot but not the hottest yet they speak directly to my balls. This is what happened here. I saw this post by DeDude and had to wank. Maybe it's because he looks like a real construction guy having a mad moment and not a porno dude doing a photo shoot.

I had a proper "Meat and two veg" wank, no fancy business: no lube, or wanking glove, or stopping and starting just a strong hand and a strong orgasm. The first spurt felt like acid being spat out. Top feeling. Cheers DeDude.


I know what you mean, sometimes its just the image and you know your hand is going to find your meat and beat it.
Its so hard, yes that as well, whenever I pass a construction site not to stop and stare and dribble, thank goodness I have a couple of guys who are building works who cum and visit right from work

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Pierced Bollocks
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