Unexpected Encounters

So many I have no idea where to start...

many times it just started with knocks on my door from people I had never met who had “heard" about me from friends, coworkers, even a relative of theirs.....single women, married women…sometimes even couples…

Having sex with women who are relatives of other women I have had sex with...that has never bothered me at all...I have never initiated it...they always have...

Women can be very competitive, especially about sex…

and women related to each other can be extremely competitive…..sisters, daughters, cousins, mothers, aunts, grandmothers and granddaughters….

but women do "talk"...aka "gossip"...and if they. can do so discreetly...as more than many women have told me...she wanted to see for herself if the rumors she had heard from some of her female relatives were true and "what all the fuss was about"....lol.

I learned that too growing up....a long, long, long time a go...different era... in a very rural area, a very small town...it seemed all the much older women...in the era of it being common to be a stay at home housewife...that a lot of them…well, really all of them “knew" from "the grapevine" and...some found out for themselves.

My mother and father did not warn me, or have “the talk”….years later she already knew that I was well aware of it…at first, she was very upset when she learned that my two paternal side aunts by marriage (to my extremely endowed paternal uncles)…had, for several years, been sharing me for fun, several afternoons a week, along with a large number of other local area, all of them much older than I, women.

It got worse when she found out that her older brothers wife…my maternal aunt by marriage (my mothers older brother was also extremely endowed), had also been with me a lot during a visit one summer with my mother to visit her family….

others were women I have met at various places...

even husbands I have met...several specific incidents come to mind, where they realized I am overly endowed and set it up for me to meet their wife....

meeting couples on a nudist beach or at a clothing. optional resort...

woman standing by my car in a parking lot and waiting for me after I left work and I had no idea who she was (this happened twice...as the first woman later told another who tried the same "tactic" to meet me)...

mail from someone I did not know who wrote me and told me they had heard of me from a "friend" and sent a picture and a phone number if I was interested in meeting them....

a Starbucks coffee shop late just before closing...

clients who I have known for many years just out of the blue asking me if they could "see" and would they mind if their wife joined us....

my "list" would go on and on....


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