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An assortment of my cock... this was the penis that was the centerpiece of me being bullied in school. It's grown some since then, but it was ahead of the other boys, so obviously I was the freak Donkey Boy that had to be singled out for harassment.

I'm always happy to hear feedback on my pics, so feel free to comment.

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Gorgeous especially 1501 and 1503. Mouthwatering is a very apt description. Makes other parts of me wet as well!
I wish some of the other guy's would take note here and post pic's in their blogs.
Thank's Mule
Love your photos. I think you have great legs, too. Just wish I could see the other bits of you -- including your face! Thanks for sharing all that gorgeousness with the rest of us :)
Absolute perfection! Isn't it fun to have the last laugh NOW?? I've not seen a finer mule anywhere!

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