My thoughts on fakes

Rather than get too wrapped up in all the threads about fakes, I thought I would summarize my feelings here in a blog entry. To be clear, when I say 'fake', I am referring to any LPSG user who misrepresents themselves by posting pictures of someone else or showing photoshopped pictures that make them out to be something they are not. Usually this means using pics of someone who has a larger penis, or making one's own penis larger in an image editing program.

There seems to be two main schools of thought about fakes. The first is "I don't care" and the second is "this bugs me." While I'm not terribly vocal about it, I am definitely in the second group and here's why:

In the grand scheme of things, it does not matter if you fake who you are online. However, I do think it reflects on the kind of person you are. When you get down to it, you are deceiving others. I don't think it matters that you're deceiving people you probably won't ever meet. It is still deception, and that bothers me. It also disturbs me when people take the fakers at face value and fawn over their fake pictures, or even go so far as to defend them when they have been exposed as fake. There is one member here who gathered quite a following before being challenged as a fake, and now the people who sang his praises before are continuing to do so because to do otherwise would force them to acknowledge that they were duped. They spend hours defending him in threads while he throws out childish responses to his challengers, saying "no, you're a fake". All the while he refuses to provide evidence that his pictures are him. And yes, while I know that absolute proof is extremely difficult, if this member provided just some more evidence it would quieten his detractors. His continued misdirection and refusal to take a couple more pictures just seems to cement the assertions of his challengers.

Therefore I am glad that there are people who can and will take the time to find and challenge these fake members. Those with genuine pictures can easily back themselves up with additional pictures, video or cam sessions.

While I don't want to become some kind of faker activist myself, I will not insult the intelligence of others or compromise my own integrity by fawning over or defending people who are disrespecting everyone with misrepresentations and lies. And you shouldn't either.


I definitely respect your stance on fakes. True, the photo shopped 14-inch penis does insult the intelligence of most people, except their fans. Yes, Monster, no need to maintain his anonymity since everything’s already out there, could solve the issue about his identity by posting a proof picture.

However, I disagree that there is a need for “faker finders” or a need to post a thread every time a new one is discovered. I think I am wary of their existence, because it creates an atmosphere of self-appointed policing, where for any reason someone could be called out as a fake and deemed so until the “policing” element is satisfied with the proof offered.

Also, what about "proving" an identity, who holds the right to call for proof? Who verifies the “additional pictures, video or cam sessions”? More importantly, why is proof necessary for a web site where most interaction is by word not pictures?

There was a thread in the last week or so where several posters stated that they had no intention of meeting anyone from LPSG or having other contact beyond posting or chatting – for people who are of that mind, and I am assuming it is a majority, what difference does it make? Let's say the pictures are real, but then everything else is fake? Is the next step proving location or age or anything else disputable?
Great post Army Mule.What you've said is very true and being one of Monster's fans not because of his pictures but because of his former
conversations. Actually I think I've seen his pix once,maybe?
I just can't fathom why people feel obligated to make themselves bigger online.Isn't your true self better than something thats not real?
In my opinion there is only one answer to this question.
I do miss former posters like Damian who was also outed for fake pix but this guy was so entertaining to many of us. Why he didn't apologize I'll never understand but he chose to just split. I don't think the majority wouldn't ever meet others from lpsg as proven by the several of the gatherings we've had in different locations but why shouldn't you want to meet someone whom you think are nice? We really enjoyed our meeting in N.Y. this past January it was fabulous and all who were involved extremely intelligent and nice folks.
Terribly sad if you fake your persona and cock size.
'Fess up and move on guys!
Why is there a need for Damian, or anyone, to apologize? Did he owe LPSG something? Was he compensated for posting in threads or uploading pictures?

You liked his posts, right? Why not continue to enjoy his words and leave it at that?
Thank you both for your thoughts. Like I said, I think it comes down to deceit. To me, integrity is way up there on the "necessary trait to become my friend or remain my friend" list. If I have a friend who lies to me knowingly and deliberately, then it tells me that they have very little concern for my feelings, and ultimately do not respect me. It doesn't matter how wonderful a person they might be, how great their conversational skills are, or how we much we have in common. If I can't trust their integrity, I can't respect them. If I can't respect them, why would I want to continue the friendship?
That's fine, as written in my first post, I respect your position.
Issue is, I doubt many of the people involved in outing each other are "friends". I doubt there is any sort of betrayal going on whatsoever, and often what results is a "piling on" atmosphere in threads where someone is accused.

Also, there are still the questions I raised to "right", right to accuse and right to act as a policing force on a message board. Further, the right of those accused to not comply to accusers demands to "prove" is valid as well.
You summed up my feelings about this perfectly, Army. Really well said. I guess my only addition is that I tend to feel sorry for the people who post pictures of others (claiming to be of themselves). What motivates these types, and what makes them so insecure that they hide behind pictures of hot young guys? They must be lonely (invariably gay) men.

Over the years, I've become very friendly with a number of posters here, and really value the addition they make to my life. I can't imagine having those feelings with someone who has faked his persona and misrepresented himself through pics of others. I don't think that's an isolated belief. Accordingly, I believe these guys will always be lonely and sad -- and end up feeling worse about themselves when the computer screen goes to black.
I concur with most of what has been said here.

There's something insidious about deception. Whatever our initial reasons for the "white lie" or the disingenuous and deflecting half-truths, such departure from honesty all too easily becomes habit. Each further step into the world of lying becomes somehow justified, reasonable, ok.

As cautious as any one of us has become about taking anything on the 'net at full face value, it is still disappointing to discover a lie. It is particularly sad to consider the possible conditions provoking the lie and the resultant issues for the liar.
To respond further to ChockoKittie:

Of course you are correct in questioning the right of anyone to demand proof and in supporting the right of the accused to refuse to provide the proof. However, I think it's a matter of motivations and consequences: if it is important to an LPSG member that everyone believes he has a 10" cock, he shouldn't be surprised or aggravated if he is not believed without some kind of evidence. On the other hand, if the member doesn't care if he is believed, then no evidence is needed and that member should be able to happily ignore any requests for such evidence.

However, it seems to me that when a member makes continued responses to accusations of being a fake, he shows that he does care, and that he does want us to believe that his pictures depict the man at the keyboard. The simple fact is that if he really wants to be believed, he will need to show some more evidence.
I'll agree, if the person persists in taking part in the dialogue, then yeah, proof should be an easy next step.

I still maintain that no person, other than admins, retain any real right to act as a policing force. However, in the absence of their presence I understand why members feel the need to out. I just want equal examination of their motives for outing and claims of proof before slapping them on the back. :)
I guess that depends on what you think of as a "policing force." Obviously other members do not have the ability to take administrative punitive action against fakers, and I don't condone harassment. But by calling out fakers for what they are, there is a form of low-level self-policing occurring amongst the membership. With an open dialogue between members, inappropriate motivations for outing (such as holding a grudge) should be self-evident.
being duped sucks......but mostly cause it affects the duped person's ego....makes them feel small or silly for ''falling'' for someone else's shit.....fake pix will probably ALWAYS plauge the net...nature of the best so to speak...but in the end...WHO a person realy is...will show in their thoughts and words........good blog tho.. i don't like bein tricked anymore then the next person .........

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