Because I'm stupid...

I'm reposting this blog, and this time I'm going to have the correct information in it. :smile:

I pierced my LIP thursday night... for some reason unbeknownst to me, I had it typed in as my tongue. I have no holes in my tongue, thank you. Just my lip! :tongue: Sorry for the misinformation, I think I was just tired when I posted that or something. Bleh. I'm posting a pic now.


Congrats on the labret!
that piercing doesn't make you talk too funny.
but after it heals you can shoot water from the hole!
it's ok meg, i mix stuff up all the time. one time when i was a kid my sister was blocking my view, and i said to her "get your face out of my ass," when i really meant to say "get your ass out of my face." lol.

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