Pregnant Pause

I have an announcement to make. I am 10 weeks pregnant and I'm not sure if it's landminespring28's, rec3000's or jovial's.

Pretty sure it's not Jovial as the timing isn't right. But I was with rec3000 and landmine spring28 within 24 hours of each other. I'm obviously keeping the baby do I have to tell them prior to a paternity test?

Before you all jump on my case, I don't expect child support. This was not a trick fuck. :rolleyes: For criminys sake y'all know how anal I am about using condoms for sex. :cool:

Of course, this explains some of my more bizarre posts and mood swings. :redface: My apologies if I offended anyone.



Congratulations. Congratulations are always in order to bring another precious human life to the world.

I do hope that the Daddy with come forward and do the right thing and help out. When I was in the military, some guy said he was paying child support for a child he wasn't even sure was his. That's probably better than for the actual father, to run off and not help out.
Yay - you and my guinea pig can be Lamaze buddies!!


If it is rec's are you going to call him/her recqt3001? :rolleyes:
Geez, only two in 24 hours...

I know several guys here that would more than happy to fill in rest of the time slots. Worst part is, that they would think it's for real...

Neat with a late April Fools...
April Fools?
Posted by Notthe7
Geez, only two in 24 hours...

I know several guys here that would more than happy to fill in rest of the time slots. Worst part is, that they would think it's for real...
Neat with a late April Fools...
Posted by TinyPrincess
Good April fools....

But then again you have been burping brownies and fried chicken? :rolleyes:
Hurry, go the drug store and get that pee stick!!!!!
Posted by cinnamon
I guess I was too obvious, eh. :rolleyes: Yes, that was my lame attempt at an April Fool's Day joke. :redface: Hmm, I may have to consult some of our more adept pranksters to come up with next years joke.
=============================== least I am not on the possible father list....
Posted by rico27
I wanted you to be; but it was geographically impossible. Landminespring28 and rec3000 are only about 3 hours apart by plane. Another kind of funny thing is that if anyone had bothered to count backwards 10 weeks they would have seen that I became impregnated by one of these two luscious white men on or about MLK Jr.'s birthday. :tongue:
Oh, you foxy li'l qt female you! I shoulda picked up on it from the very 1st few sentences, but thought, wait, this is the day after April 1st, i was apt enough to go after the flying penguins.............
It is my young 'un, beyotch!!!! You thought you were putting DANNON yogurt in yo' vaginaisforlovers.

But I had to put that squeeze somewhere...:smile:.

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