I wonder . . .

I wonder if the guys who have no profiles and no pictures but PM women and men know how stalkerish and creepy they seem?

I wonder if the men who don't put anything for sexual orientation or put unsure, know that we all know, that they are either gay or bi?

I wonder why so many men lie about being women just so some random stranger will cam for them or send them dick pics?

I wonder why so many men expect women who are built like supermodels to fall at their feet; when they bear a striking resemblance to Ernest Borgnine?

I wonder why all the truly nice men who can't seem to meet a nice woman, never encounter the truly nice women who can't seem to meet a nice man?

It's a shame so many great guys think they have nothing to offer a woman because they don't make 6 figures per year.

I wonder when all the stupid myths regarding sex and race or ethnicity will be put to rest?

Seriously, when a white man says I've always wanted to have sex with a black woman. My first thought is, why? Is he on some sort of bizarre sexual scavenger hunt? As much as I would like to believe
otherwise, my vagina is no better or worse than a white, latina, or asian womans. It's all in your mind guys! That's why the most important sex organ is the brain.

It doesn't matter what you drive, where you work, how much you earn, or where you live. You can even have a long, thick cock, if you can't turn on my mind, you will not be turning on my body.

Smart is sexy.


Thank you for finally saying that. I think a lot of guys don't get how much the brain plays into this.
Thank you for finally saying that. I think a lot of guys don't get how much the brain plays into this.
So true! Many mistakenly think that means they need to be a doctor or lawyer rather than the best damned mechanic in 3 counties. Or a top notch building contractor with an even better reputation for finishing projects on time and under budget.

Intelligence is the best aphrodisiac. Closely followed by red hair. :biggrin1:
You don't have to tell me that, I dated a very intelligent man of Irish descent who had strawberry blonde hair everywhere. I used to threaten to braid his chest hair in his sleep. :biggrin1::tongue:
I have wondered many of the same questions, sister. You phrased it all very well.... and more men should realize they may need more than a big cock if they want a real relationship. I could never have an intimate relationship with someone I couldn't share an intelligent conversation with. I mean, if that were the case, wouldn't women be just as well off with deaf/dumb dildos forever? no conversation required.:tongue:
I am incredibly turned on by non-arrogant smart men. I also found I perceive them as very 'hawt', and sexy, and well damn, I just get really turned on......the more intelligence they exhibit. :smile:

Very well said njnt466! Though I think some of those questions will always be unanswered, maybe we should make an LPSG episode of Unsolved Mysteries.
Seriously, when a white man says I've always wanted to have sex with a black woman. My first thought is, why? Is he on some sort of bizarre sexual scavenger hunt?
Apparently you aren't aware of Sexual Bingo Cards all us guys get handed to us the second year of High School... :)

(Sorry. The entry was featured on the top page, and I couldn't resist the lame joke.)

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