My Low Carb Diet.

I lost 15 pounds the first month. It is very hard to do since you are limited in what you can eat. Mostly animal products such as meat, cheese and eggs. For snacks you can also have pork rinds. I have found an interesting recipe for pancakes with pork rinds instead of flour, but I also add some flax seed meal to it.

Right now I am baking some salmon in the oven to have later. The diet can be difficult to stick to, but cutting out sugar is great. I also found that sugar free chocolate pudding is great. It is very rich because I use half and half instead of milk. The higher the fat content of milk products the less sugar it has.


GOod for you, Mem! Where have you been by the way? I have missed reading your posts! THe last time I did a low carb diet I was ready to hurt someone by the time I had lost 35 lbs. I lost the weight but I was soooooo evil! I am doing weight watchers right now and I am losing weight but probably not quite as quickly as if I had done a low carb diet. But I must learn to deal with all parts of the food pyramid to be able to sustain any weight loss.
I'm doing the same. Yes it can be hard but it's worth it. After awhile you won't even remember what sugar tastes like. I also incorporate nuts into my diet. My favorite has to be planter's deluxe mix. Never tried making pancakes with pork rinds. Is is salty? Krusteaz use to make low carb baking products but I'm not sure if they still do.

I think the hardest thing for me was going into a grocery store. Everything is either full of sugar or high fructose corn syrup. If you get a chance could you post the pancake recipe? Thanks!
It's tough eating low carb. I'm type II diabetic and just about every where you go they are trying to feed you crap. Keep up the good work...
The Low Carb pancake recipe I use is for 4 servings. It stores well in the fridge.

4 eggs
2 packets of equal
dash of cinnamon (optional dash of vanilla)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon half and half (or cream)
1/2 to 3/4 pack of pork rinds crushed (about 1 & 3/4 oz. package)
2 tablespoon Flax seed meal (optional)

also use sugar free syrup.
The low carb diet is definately the fastest way to lose weight.At first it may seem very hard to stick to but its well worth the benefits.keep up the good work.
That sounds cool. I love my pancakes.

I'm on a low carb diet but they give you meal replacement shakes or soups to eat for Breakfast and Lunch with approved fruit in between as snacks. For dinner you eat smaller portions of meat with lots of the right vegies. Easiest diet I've ever been on and I don't feel all angry. Actually, I have tons of energy. So far I've lost about 11 lbs in about 3.5 weeks. Once, I've reached my goal of 176 lbs (from 199lbs) I'll cut back and really watch what I eat. It's called the Tony Ferguson diet. You can get it at Kerr's Pharmacy in the USA.
I found a great new low carb snack - Cucumber slices with ranch dressing.
I'm not following a specific Atkins diet. Just avoiding as many carbs as possible and cutting sugar out.
so are you mostly having meat and vegetables? It does work, i was on Atkins several years ago. I lost 16 lbs in 1 month, but put it back on after that. keep it up!

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