Living life as a male in a female body...

You think I look good, my pussy is perfect, you want to fuck me. I hear it all the time, but I have no attraction to you.

I am truly only attracted to gay men, beautiful men, flamers, twinks, pure beauty. It sends shivers down my spine and puts butterflies in my tummy. I have amazing gaydar, if there ever is such a thing, I've mastered the lisp and stereotypical hand thing. I am in every sense of mind a male, and my body doesn't match. I don't fit in with straight people well, but when you throw me into a crowd of loud and rowdy gay men I thrive, I am me, complete.


Without meaning to be rude, are you really a gay man trapped in a woman's body? Or are you a woman who strongly wishes to be a gay man?
Or are they basically the same thing?
I'm trapped.. but wanting to be and being can be connected. Someday when the money is in my pocket.. I will be a gay man.
I know how you feel. I'm a dog trapped in a human body. People always seem skeptical and dismissive when they hear about those of us who were born into the wrong bodies. Good luck, and maybe in the next life you'll finally be where you're meant to.
I can't say I'm surprised as you have alluded to this before. The difference this time is you actually sound happy. I think you may have finally found yourself. :smile: I'm not sure what steps you need to take from here but I wish you a peaceful journey. :cool:
Hi thats a horrible sounding term, but there are many many people who feel exactly as you do. I am married to someone who thinks along the same way you do. I wouldnt change her for the world!!
Ugh no, a FAG HAG is the closest friends of gay men, the girls, who love their gay friends. I'm a fag hag as well as a closet case because I can't just come out and be who I really am.
The first start is getting counseling for this sort of thing. You won't be able to have the surgery without a psychological recommendation. I know we've discussed this before, and I'm wondering if you've taken any action on that front?
Get sober, get off the crystal meth and ALL the other drugs, get into therapy, and then see if you are still transsexual.

I'm saying this because a friend of mine that's bi and very femme/androgynous (he can pass as a FTM in apperance) he thought that he was transsexual and at the time wanted the surgery/hormones/etc. but it took therapy and sobriety for him to figure out that while he's very femme/androgynous for a male he's not transsexual at all and he's just genderqueer.

I hate to break it to you but most gay men are not stereotypically femme, camp, or queens who do the whole lisp thing just for attention/drama.

There's a whole lot more to being homosexual (even mostly homosexual or even bisexual) than being a bad walking stereotype like that.
You're not a trans just a druggie female fag hag who has major issues. I'm gay and believe me, most gay men are not into lisping and all that like most women think that they are.

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