Today was my first time . . .

...buying gasoline at over $3 a gallon, and man, it fucking hurt.

I know that $3-a-gallon gas is pretty common these days. Southwest Virginia is economically depressed; wages tend to be lower here, and so a lot of common necessities like rent and gasoline are more competitively priced.

The first time I saw gasoline above $3 was right after Hurricane Katrina in 2005; since then, it's bounced above and below the $3 mark a few times.

And so far, I've managed to "sneak by" the times that it was above the $3 mark by simply not driving as much and making what was left over in my tank last as long as possible. But the combination of cold weather and a crazy work schedule finally got to me, and I finally broke down and filled the tank at $3.019.

I feel like such a sellout.


In Germany the gasoline costs 1,40 Euro pro liter = 2,10 $ =8,40 $ pro galone!
One of the causes: the Americans need to much gasoline and buy additionally European gasoline in Rotterdam. this drives the price!!!
Wow. Not even three months later, and there are places around here selling gas for $4 a gallon.

I managed to fill up today at 3.759, but I think it's gonna get a lot worse over the summer, then "miraculous Republican relief" just before the election, like we saw in 2006.

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