My hemmorroid solution

I have been constipated and also had diarrhea with all the weird drugs I am on for my neck pain.
It culd also be from all the stress of the whole situation of trying to overcome this painful and expensive injury.
It is hard to get all the poo from the nooks and cranny of the hemorrhoids with the wet wipes and the get irritated from so much wiping.
So I thought Senor Rubirosa could come over and lick the poo from all the sensitive areas.
He is the most obvious person to do this .


If all the shit were removed, there would be nothing left but toenails and toothfillings.

This is a pointless blog post.
You make posts about nothing, and so many of them that you fill up all the blog entries in the Latest Blog display.
Why don't you make a single blog, calling it "My Life" or something, and post ONLY in that blog?
Its fine what you want to blog about but what you said about Rubi wasnt nice at all. Very rude.
Use a warm soapy sponge dab lightly. Then use some Q-Tips and a mirror to get into those nooks and crannies.

Rinse with warm water. Dab hole with towel.

Never allow a nemesis to do hemorrhoideal cleansing for you.
With posts like these you loose whatever goodwill I used to feel for you.

That would be whose fault?
well, I got a good laugh out of it.
I have asked for help in understanding hoe to use the blogs and make catagories but know one wants to help me so you will have to put up with me until I can figure it out on my own.
That was rude. You cannot spell either : "know one wants to help me" of course they don't want to help you.

That was uncalled for Rubi is a sweet intelligent man. I am going to call Miss Cleo, I am certain she will see a ban in your future.

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