Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh - Update!

As some of you may know, I couldn't get a jar to open, see here -

I OPENED IT! :dance:

No longer am I reduced to mixing tuna with cheese! :biggrin1:

And having hooves instead of opposable thumbs was no problem for this cow!

I heated it up under the hot tap, and then tapped it along the counter top and kept twisting with a cloth and it opened! Yay :party:

Well, thanks to you all for your advice and I managed to have the pasta!


The verdict:
The sauce was okay I suppose, nothing special really.

Damn LPSG! They wouldn't let me put in 4 smilies again *inserts mad face here*


Thanks Stacy :kiss: You helped me loads! :party:

And ZOS, I know! The internet is the answer to, and the cause of all life's problems!
Yea!!! I really feel for you cow......I know I have difficulties doing things with my big paws. Opening and holding things in plastic containers are horrible...My big claws always cut holes in them. Not having thumbs kinda sucks too. lol

Bear HUG!
MMM, Bear Claws are delish.

Good for you Dumbcow, and your pasta.
Bear hug :hug: Humans are quite weird, with their hairless, opposable thumbs :rolleyes:

And thanks mem :party: Hey, in your avatar it looks like you don't have thumbs at all :confused:
Tuna and cheese sound good. Red pasta sauce...I don't know.

Pan fried or grilled tuna pairs well with a bit of olive oil, CAVENDER'S Greek Seasoning, handful of sauteed onions, a minced clove of garlic and a half a can of cream of mushroom soup. Making a Francesca or Franchese sauce of sorts.

And use angel hair pasta.

Put the tuna and Francesca sauce on top of the angel hair pasta. Yummy!!!
ahhh, the trials and tribulations of our lifes. what we do just to manage our daily lives. LOL

the counter tapping works for me ALL the time! if it doesn't....I always enlist my husband. 6'1" 225Lbs. (tall people. LOL ) ....lots of muscle! LOL

Invisibleman.....the Francesca' sounds temptious. I'll have to try that sometime. I LOVE to cook! :p


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