I'm in love...

And it feels good

At least I think it feels good... :confused:

Unrequited? I'm not sure yet...

To go for it or not to go for it, 'tis the question.
What's there to lose? A good friend...


I'll update sometime. :smile:


Unrequited love is the only way I know how to do it. Not for friends, though. That's why they're my friends! Because I know I'll never, ever want a relationship with them (other than friendship). I'd say take a shot. Mind you, I can think of many reasons not to try. The embarrassment of rejection, the pain of having your hopes destroyed. Fun stuff, I assure you. But here's the rub. If you're not willing to risk that stuff and more, do you really deserve to be with her (or him)? I'll spout off a few cliches now:

Nothing comes free. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. Ummmmm, be kind rewind. That's all I've got
Go for it Mr Cow, it doesn't come along very often and when it does you should grab it by the horns (metaphorically speaking of course)
Hugo, thanks for the advice :hug: I'm going to have to think this one through.... hmmm.... It's a toughie. I'll need to find away to hint at it without completely going all out and telling him I love him.

Catch, maybe.... maybe..... it's a toughie though. But he is bi, mainly gay, so that's a start. :cool:
How can one truly be in love, if they are not loved back. I don't think it is possible.
Interesting song choice for being in love. Arguably that song is about being defiantly happy-- I've always thought of it as a break up song. It's kinda... dark.

Regardless, good luck, and good song anyway. One of my favorites.
WoB, I just heard it back and you're right... it is a break up song :redface: I've never actually listnened to the lyrics except the "I'm feeling good: bit :smile:
Thanks :biggrin:

lokiau... good question :confused:
Well Stacy, he's super hot. Like steaming. At least I think he is anyway, and he is bi... so I've got a chance :cool:

And his personality is really lovely. He's quite the perfectionist and ever so slightly vain but he really does care.

Just take it easy. You sound pretty infatuated with the guy, and if he has good enough qualities for you, then that's all the reason you need. Just be honest, get to know him, and spend time with him. Things will sway one way or the other.
Good advice, Dee. :smile: Take it slooooowly... I'm not usually one to make the first moove, anyway. We'll just have to see what will happen... :smile:

I just read your latest BLOG about someone special in your life. I want to wish you only POSTIVE VIBES and ONLY HAPPY DAYS!

Now, be sure to tell that new bloke in your life that he ABSOLUTELY MUST TREAT YOU NICE coz if I find out that he did not, I will fly across the pond and make him a STEER faster than he can say "OW".


*Gives DC another KISS on his cute PINK NOSE*

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