Why am I crying?

Three nights ago, I announced joyously to my children, "I'm done!"

Then I retreated to my room and spent the next 24 hours in a state of almost perpetual tears.

No one was dead, and I hadn't suffered a mental breakdown.

I had merely finished a project -- a book series -- that had consumed three and a half years of my life.

Every little piece of me that could think, move or laugh was inside those books; living and breathing, and now marching forward with an independent life.

And now it was over.

I was free.

My job was done.

So why do I feel like a bare, empty husk just walking away?

- - - -

I am in the middle of two other book series, possibly bigger and better than the first. But allow me to grieve the passing of a milestone in my life that I will never be able to re-live or experience again.


Perhaps it's like when kids leave home.

I just finished my second book. The other one was Brave New World ;-)
You know, that's the exact feeling. I've been grasping at straws trying to figure out what "it" was. Thanks, kiddo.

- - - - -

You've only read two books?! (JUST KIDDING!)

- - --
Congratulations on finishing your second book!!! :laola:

You're going to make me blush. I still haven't been able to get anything finished and I still can't decide what is good enough to let you read. I have 16 different books goin and not one near completion.​
"So why do I feel like a bare, empty husk just walking away?"--hotmilfandroofies

The reason why is because you finished a creative work and you need a new project.
It happens like that in the process. :smile:
That's crazy! I thought your kids had really crossed the line! lol. Very well done on finishing a whole book though. That takes some determination, drive and...hotness ;)

You might like to know IGGY POP was in the pub last night hehe.
Every time I've finished writing a novel it's been a feeling of accomplishment and emptiness.
Perhaps the end of the book emoted more than you thought there, Homilf?

All I can tell you is- ever since my grandmother died going on eight yrs ago, I've been compiling & compiling everything I knew & remember about her& my family and then some. When I do get around to finally putting it on paper & finish, my reaction will probably be the same as yours.
You are the hottest LPSG milf there is. Write books, sell them. We need more girls like you.

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