Trying to figure out this blog thing

OK, bare with me......I am trying to figure out this blog feature. Everyone may regret it once I figure out how to do it. I will probably be blogging all over the place. Tee Hee.

I love to write and talk so I figured this might be just the thing for me.

I used to write little tidbits in our nudist clubs newsletter about some of my experiences with the travel nudist club trips and I had a little groupie following. I kind of miss it.....but life got in the way. (Kids and all their activities )

I like reading Jasondawg's blogs. I just started reading them. He is such a cutie. I can definitely relate to his mom though. She and I are probably somewhere around the same age. I have a son that is a little cutie too.....but my son is only 6. I know that my son really pulls on my heartstrings. There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for him or give him......and I am sure Jasondawgs mom feels the same about him.

Well, I had better go finish up the laundry. Then I am going for a bicycle ride to get some exercise. I would be going out to Hippie Hollow today......but the last time I went out there.....I ended up getting sunburned in places that I don't even want to think about and it is still really tender. Last time I went was Tuesday. I forgot to put on sunscreen that day. But I thought I would be OK since I spent most of my time swimming and I was in the water. But my back, shoulders.....and top of my head burned pretty badly.


"Bare" with me ... good pun!

Do you know I've lived in Austin for about half of my 37 years, and have never been to Hippie Hollow? I always figured the only people taking their clothes off would be the ones I didn't want to see naked. But you seem like you would be an exception to that rule.
Actually, "the ones you don't want to see naked" have just as much right to take their clothes off at a nudist park as anyone else does.

I mean to make it to Hippie Hollow myself one of these days. Right now I can't really afford gas to Austin. Now if I had a job interview there I could justify it, and then go to Hippie Hollow after the interview... but otherwise it's going to have to wait until I'm better off financially.
I certainly agree they have just as much right, whatireallywant.

But in my limited experience it does seem like the nudists and swingers of the world are some of the last people that I would want to see naked and/or having sex. But like you say, it's a free country. More power to them.

And am I the only one who thinks there ought to be some kind of high-speed commuter train between Austin and San Antonio? That just seems like a no-brainer to me, but I guess it's not the kind of thing Texas is very good at ...

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Hippie Hollow Girl
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