John Fluevog - Shoe Crack?


I have been totally bitten by the Fluevog bug. His shoes speak to me in ways that most do not. They allow me to express my inner self while being comfortable and acceptable for the workplace. See pics in my gallery of some of my shoes. I love this man he is a genius.


OMG. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE Jon Fluevog shoes. Found 3 of the best pairs in new york. They finally opened one here in los angeles on melrose.
Exactly! I Looooooove the way this man's mind works. I bet you wear Angels, dont you? I wear minis almost exclusively. I just got four pairs in the mail day before yesterday. I am beyond hope!
Nawwwwwww Babe!

You can still be seen with me. LOL! I am not a pastel Goth girl. I think you and I fit more along the lines of Steampunk. I want to see that military jacket of yours. We need to play cyber dress up one day! :biggrin1:

Hon, what are you waiting for? One your GO VOGCrack (Not to be confused with doing Fluevog's crack!) You may never go back!
Nawwwwwww Babe!

You can still be seen with me. LOL! I am not a pastel Goth girl. I think you and I fit more along the lines of Steampunk. I want to see that military jacket of yours. We need to play cyber dress up one day! :biggrin1:--Notty.


Whew!! That was a shocker when I was GOOGLE-ing and came across those JV chartruese shockers!! :eek:

But anyway, I am partial towards the SKETCHERS that look like black steel toed boots. And butterscotch half boot LUGZ. No Timberlands. No Doc Martens.

I bought two things at Old Navy this afternoon. I bought a black pocket- T shirt with a black and white checkerboard pocket and inner trim. And a pair of black jeans. I need a black dress shirt and a burgundy tie or cravat. And a white dress shirt and a black and burgundy-striped tie.
John Fluevog is so 1991 - old school. We wore them in school back then! Back in the original 90210 days LOL. In fact, I don't think anyone in Vancouver, where John started his business buys his shoes anymore. He started out in the early 1980s with Peter Fox and he was using Peter Fox in London UK to make the shoe tops, and Dr. Martens for the soles. Then he introduced the angelic rubber soles in the early 1990's and the quality was alful compared to the past. :rolleyes:
Well Austin,

I guess I am an Old School kinda girl. I like what I like and keep on liking it. I tend to buy certain lines of vogs the ones with heels that can be worn to the office. One has to mature with the times but he still has some of the funkiest shoes in town. I dont have any angels most of mine are from the Mini line. I used to like Peter Fox's shoes but they seem to have stale mated once he moved to NY. There are many other people who can make those kind of shoes.

Those shoes are phat! I am a shameless shoeaholic and discovering this designer is like a dream for me! I love unusual shoes. I like unusual clothes too. I do this corporate goth thing with pinstripes, pleats and padlocks and these shoes will be perfect to set off some off my more outlandish outfits!! I have just got to get the international sizing right...
Gjorg, I am not NJ. I do not look like NJ. I do not act like NJ. and this is not her blog. I hope you arent saying all black women look and act alike.Not that there is anything wrong with that. The funny thing is that neither of us has ever lived in the hood and dont intend to do so anytime soon. Ironically ,these shoes are not usually purchased by black people. ..
OMG! Runco! We definitely have to talk! I am so feeling your style sistah! The neat thing is that you can go right to his site and order shoes now. He just put up some killer ones that I am totally getting. One word however is that certain styles run upwards of a whole shoe size smaller. You also need to check out

CYDWOQ - Hand-Crafted Leather Shoes, Bags, and Belts

Funky Shoes from Fluevog | Fluevog Shoes | Welcome

These along with Chie Mihara and Giraudon are all I wear. You need funkified shoes to go with funkified clothing! We shall overcome au couture! LOL!
God Naughty I am drooling all kinds of mouth water looking at these shoes! I am definitely going to do a US shopping trip soon (mainly because customs duties are a bitch when you buy a ton of stuff so you want to get the sizing right first time!). Those CYDWOQ boots are FABULOUS! Truly.

This is a fairly typical outfit (the padlock top and the bustle skirt) that I would wear at work. Well, I say that but actually, my style is pretty eclectic. I really like the sharpness of the goth look but I am not a goth. That said, yes, I do have black hair and yes, I do tend to wear bright-ish lipsticks with dark eye makeup and great silver jewellery. Okay, maybe I'm a little bit goth..! But mostly, I tend to mix and match things so I would wear something like this with a Max Mara or Vivienne Westwood pinstriped jacket buttoned up on top while I am in the office. I only fully unleash my goth side outside the office because otherwise I tend to find that men get preoccupied with the padlock! My Gangsta Pranksta of choice tends to be 'boring' black and white pinstripe but only because it's easier to buy other things to wear with it.

I also love vintage clothing. Forties really does it for me. I have some great structured suits (I have to wear a lot of suits at work so they may as well look good). I wish I could show some of them to you. I tend to go the whole hog, with the knitted cloche hats and belts as well. Not gloves. Too fiddly (tried it though!). Outside work I tend to live in jeans or, if I am going out, dresses. Chiffon or silk, normally. Some of my favorite places to shop are markets - Portobello Road, Camden, North End. Also Ebay has some great vintage stuff. And what is really nice is you know that when you find something that you love, 99% of the time your look will be unique.

Enough twittering about clothes - for now, anyway! :)

You sound like the sister I dont have! When I discovered Steampunk a little while ago it hit me that I was a modified version and have been for as long as I can remember. I did some aspects of New Romantic back in the day and now I am a bit more Neo- Victorian/Steampunk. Most of my pics that people have seen do not begin to reflect the real me. Usually the outfits are edited to keep me within the range of sanity. Yes, we definitely have to talk sistah Runco!

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