How To Deal With Your Anger

How to Deal with Your Anger
by Rick Warren

If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day. Don’t give the Devil a chance. Ephesians 4:26-27 (GNT)

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Conflict happens. There’s no avoiding it, and so there’s no avoiding anger in your life.

In fact, ignoring or denying your anger will simply make things worse. When conflict comes up, deal with it head on and quickly. Don’t let it fester. It’s a big mistake to think, “Let’s ignore it and hope it will go away.”

The Bible teaches, in Ephesians 4:26-27 (GNT), “If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin, and do not stay angry all day. Don't give the Devil a chance.”

Some people are surprised by this verse; they ask, “Is it ever right for a Christian to get angry?” Yes.

How do I know it’s all right for a Christian to get angry? Well, let me ask you this: Did Jesus ever get angry? Yes!

Did Jesus ever sin? No. Evidently there are times when anger is appropriate.

In Ephesians, we’re told, “If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin.” This implies there is an anger that leads you into sin, but there’s also an anger that doesn’t lead you into sin. There’s a right way to get angry and there’s a wrong way to get angry.

How do you know the difference?

The wrong kind of anger is anger that is not resolved quickly. It’s becoming angry, and then just staying angry all day and then the next day and the next. The Phillips translation of this Ephesians verse says, “Never go to bed angry.”

That will keep a few of us up sometimes! If you said, “In our marriage, we’ll never go to bed angry,” you might resolve problems a little more quickly.

Anger that is not dealt with turns into resentment and then into bitterness. Bitterness is always sin. Resentment is always sin. Those emotions are always wrong.

The Bible says to deal with anger quickly. Don’t let it hang on. Resolve conflict as quickly as possible.


Hey, NJ, I think Pastor Warren is right on in this case. Anger is a powerful tool to help drive us to make wrong things right.

I'm sure that world-changing people like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Teresa were driven to their life's work in part by channeling their anger.

It would have been a shame if they sat in their bitterness and resentment and told themselves, "I'm just one person; what can I do?"
well i usually remind myself that it is NOT a catastrophe,
breathe conciously and go back to feeling the positive,
that universal love mankind deep down has,
no matter how much alot of people would want to deny it.

that coresource in us,unveils truths.
i think when i get angry it is because i am being pulled
from that good is not i am "angry" so the good feeling is gone.
gotta pull back to your special place.
it is hard at first...REALLY hard, but eventually you feel the love.
practice more and you will master it.
it is a part of the great work. ; )

i love your topic choices NJ.
cool question.
How funny that you should blog this at THIS very minute.
It co-insides precisely with what I said to someone last night.

Though I'm not one for religion.. I do believe a lot of what the bible has to say/teach are good moral traits we should all carry within our ourselves.. well, rather work hard at... being.
Hi hotman911, I knew I should have added some sort of disclaimer. :redface: I wasn't trying to prosletize. I included Rick Warrens name because he wrote it, not me.

I don't care what religion you are or aren't. I posted this because anger has been a problem for me in the past and it's only in the last 5 or 10 years that I have been able to keep it in check and channel it in a positive way.

As for mental health issues, yup I've got them too and my meds are a God send. :biggrin1:

Ya they are good. As youposting this it wasnt that I was posting as I was mad I was happy to see others have the same type of days I do. :)
"only after you lose everything, are you free to do anything"
-Tyler Durden of Fight Club.

How real today?
The scripture is saying that by not giving over to anger, staying present in the moment. Accepting what ever form the moment takes, doesn't mean you necessarily agree with what is happening it just means you are aware of it and are at one with it. When you align yourself like this, you are empowered by the intelligence of life and you are then empowered to receive and or work through answers necessary to get passed it.

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