black racist

Yesterday I called my friend and she was all angry and crying.
She is staying in Afrika finishing her studies. Yesterday evening she was sitting in a hotel bar waiting for her friend to come. After bringing her a drink, bartender called security to kick her out of the place.

I was puzzled and lost for words.
She said this happens all the time.
If she was white skinned I am sure they would bow in front of her.

What kind of intolerance is this?
Prejudice? Stereotyping? Bad upbringing? Racism? Show off? Or Africans are simply bad people?
Does it happen all around the world, maybe it is normal if it is common?

E. was truly hurt, if African ppl are good for nothing how can someone of them develop such pride and sense of dignity like that...


Hatred and stereotyping exist everywhere.

You didn't mention the name of the country, but many of the places in Africa show little regard for "foreigners" as they show disregard for skin color or religion.

The same happens in this country. Still does, even with all the strides made against it.
Wow, that is just crazy! Nobody deserves to be treated that way.

What I don't quite understand is: Is your friend black? Or is she of an ethnicity other than caucasian or black? And she was discriminated by black africans? Is there a possibility that they did that because she was a woman?

I'm sorry, I just try to understand better.
Cockoloco brings up a good point. In many countries (especially Muslim ones) a woman traveling alone is just not safe. She was lucky she was served at all nevermind being asked to leave.

I'm sure there is more to this story. Are you able to share more facts with us Debeli?

Also this brings up an excellent point which I have discussed with a select few people on this board. As a black American I know this country is not perfect. However, I have absolutely no desire to "go back to Africa" like many black Americans do because I have no desire to go to a country where I know for a fact I will be treated worse than I am here. :rolleyes: I don't dismiss my African heritage. I just have no desire to go over there get my hair braided and wear Kente cloth and cowrie shells. I don't need that to form an identity for myself. :cool:
Cockoloco brings up a good point. In many countries (especially Muslim ones) a woman traveling alone is just not safe. She was lucky she was served at all nevermind being asked to leave.

I'm sure there is more to this story. Are you able to share more facts with us Debeli?

Also this brings up an excellent point which I have discussed with a select few people on this board. As a black American I know this country is not perfect. However, I have absolutely no desire to "go back to Africa" like many black Americans do because I have no desire to go to a country where I know for a fact I will be treated worse than I am here. :rolleyes: I don't dismiss my African heritage. I just have no desire to go over there get my hair braided and wear Kente cloth and cowrie shells. I don't need that to form an identity for myself. :cool:
She is black, Nigerian studying in Ghana (wow right in the bullseye with kente, nj :))
Sorry for ambiguity when I reflect my thoughts i tend to unintentionally left out stuff obvious to me

This is what puzzles me - black people treating other black people like shit in Africa... I've seen it several times myself too.
Perhaps some twisted leftover from colonial times.
Where I'm born the whole country has big touristic ambitions and I see many foreigners but there is no similar dislike among locals.

Another strong emotion I detected among Africans is envy and it is strangely mixed with lack of ambition and lazyness... maybe this partly causes bad stuff?
Hm... I hope this doesn't prevail among American africans? I'm saying this because I just thought of all the bling-bling which is the effect of envy maybe. But again I know close to nothing about life in America

I hope I didn't offend anybody, at least it's not intentionaly, I'm just streaming out my thoughts
First of all, it would serve you well to shut the fuck up about African people cuz this is an African person you're talking about. One bartender. One person. One African.

Some African people are friendly. Some are mean. Some Americans are nice. Some are mean. Some short people are niece, some are mean. Some people with hazel eyes are nice, some are mean.

Hatred, prejudice, racism reaches ALL groups, all ages, all sexes, all geographic locations.

The WORST thing you can do is go around associating someone's behavior with their race or location or anything else superficial. That makes you just as bad as the racist. In fact, it almost makes you racist to insist that Africans have some monopoly on being mean and racist. That exists in EVERY country, every group.

The world is complicated. Don't simplify it with prejudice my friend.

*rant over*

To answer your question, some blacks are racist against other blacks. You should hear the things my dad says about black people, they rival anything you'd hear at a KKK meeting.
Not to suggest that they were right, but some people may think a woman drinking alone in a bar is a prostitute. That seems like the most likely explanation for them kicking her out.
As a Swedish, German, Italian, Irish, Bohemian, American I take offense to your comments.
Does that makes sense? Good; it shouldn't. Why take something personally and tell the poster to shut the F up? It doesn't make sense. Was it your best friend that was mistreated in the story? There is no need for a visceral response like that. The poster is distraught and confused. He's seeking answers and the answers for the most part are here from the ever articulate and put together NJQT.

Racism of any kind is born out of poverty and ignorance. It happens anywhere there is money or lack thereof (because anywhere there is paper money there is a lack of it) and ignorance.

I can't go to the north part of my town after dark; because it's a statistical fact I would have a good chance of being assaulted verbally, physically or shot.

I grew up next to a Native American Indian reservation. I have some great friends that are Native but I know there are groups of their friends I simply cannot associate with because they think my great grandfather's great great grandfather's farm hand took their land.

If the posters article angers you that the woman was kicked out of the bar that is normal. If the article angers you because you think the poster is racist you need to meditate and come to Jesus/Allah/One/High Self, because you have some serious imbalance.
"To answer your question, some blacks are racist against other blacks. You should hear the things my dad says about black people, they rival anything you'd hear at a KKK meeting."

I can't fully agree Marley's comment but I do agree to what he stated above. Many blacks carry the same views as racists whites that do nothing but destroy the mind, body, and spirit. The division between dark and lighter skinned blacks for example. Growing up I remember the view that dark children were inferior to the lighter ones. As a result, the level of praise and privilege was lower for dark children, and punishment was higher. In addition, many dark skinned black children were viewed as ugly, ignorant, and undesirable. Add that to being female. The is an old saying that stated "light is alright, brown can stick around, but black get back." I find it too funny growing up and being identified as a black but at the same time always having those around say that being black (in this case dark skinned) is a bad thing. As a result, we live in a cast system in our own race, created by another and has the potential of enslaving us all.

As for Debeli's question, she was treated that way because she was a women who to them stepped out of her place. Being a women who grew up surrounded by people of color from the US, Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East, standards for women were and still are not equal. In short, old practices die hard. I've heard stories similar to your friend's and even worse. For example, women who are victims of sexual assault and offenders who state that the victim asked for it because she was there without a man. These women are being punished, in the offender's eyes, for daring to break the status quo. I see the person(s) who did that to your friend believed that they were teaching her a lesson. It doesn't make it right, and I wish I could give some great advice to you about how she could fix the problem. However, I would hate for her to do something that would put her life in jeopardy. In this case, she need to pick her battles wisely.
Marley darling what is with you lately? :confused: I think you need to dial back your rage and righteous indignation a bit.

Debeli isn't American. His original post was not meant to be taken in the manner in which you chose to take it. IMO He is merely an outsider trying to understand what he saw as an oddity in a foreign culture.

For instance a good friend of mine was married briefly to an English woman. She was from a small town outside of Bath. She cheated on my friend, he found out and divorced her. The man she cheated with was Welsh. When a Jamaican friend who frequently visits England heard about this sad tale she said, "Eeew she dumped him for a Welshman!?!" I have often heard Brits speak with disdain of the Welsh and have never undertsood why.

Same thing here Debeli doesn't understand why one Afrikan would treat another Afrikan poorly.
Same thing here Debeli doesn't understand why one Afrikan would treat another Afrikan poorly.

If she were white in the same situation, same place, it wouldn't happen.
If she were black in the same situation, any place I've been except Africa, it wouldn't happen.

As for Debeli's question, she was treated that way because she was a women who to them stepped out of her place.

Yes, but who are these people that are suggesting she is out of her place? Are they not in the same place, same position as her?

Racism of any kind is born out of poverty and ignorance. It happens anywhere there is money or lack thereof (because anywhere there is paper money there is a lack of it) and ignorance.

And consequently, where is knowledge there is ignorance, because ignorance is relative term as well, isn't it :)
Maybe we should generalize and say where are differences, and they are everywhere, there is intolerance - then intolerance should be anywhere.
Because like you say, if there is no other ethnicity around, shit comes down on darkest person in the village

Not to suggest that they were right, but some people may think a woman drinking alone in a bar is a prostitute. That seems like the most likely explanation for them kicking her out.

ok, but what if she really was a prostitute minding her own business, paying for her drink and not disturbing anyone?
We all know there is no lack of them in city bars
Would you kick somebody out of your store if you (vaguely) suspect he or she is gay or wears a t-shirt you dislike?
And personally, I wouldn't assault a girl if I saw here sitting there alone one night, but if I saw her come frequently and leave with different men

To answer your question, some blacks are racist against other blacks. You should hear the things my dad says about black people, they rival anything you'd hear at a KKK meeting.

Yes. We all see this exists, it is not questionable, but why?

btw Marley, maybe you should read Nj's post about controlling anger, it seems to me you are a sinner :) And you are certainly doing injustice to black ppl because reading your posts is like watching mediocre hollywood movie
Racism of any kind is born out of poverty and ignorance. It happens anywhere there is money or lack thereof (because anywhere there is paper money there is a lack of it) and ignorance.

This is the most backwards thing I ever heard. Racism has NEVER had anything to do with poverty, it's just as prevelant in the upper classes of society. I'll give you a hint since you seem to know NOTHING of history, bringing blacks to America, enslaving them, and oppressing them was no cheap affair.

This is why we're supopsed to stay in school my friends.

Same thing here Debeli doesn't understand why one Afrikan would treat another Afrikan poorly.

This is EXACTLY the problem. Why does it matter that they're African? Why do women treat women badly? Why do men treat dogs badly? Why do some tall people treat Mexicans badly? There's no intelligent way to answer a stupid question and being foreign doesn't excuse ignorance. Since when is prejudice forgivable with "He's from another country"? Can I go to Europe and start disrespecting European women "cuz I don't understand the culture"?

It would be a huge step backwards, down the evolutionary ladder to dig up blatantly prejudice attitudes from the dark ages and start justifying them all over again.

And you are certainly doing injustice to black ppl because reading your posts is like watching mediocre hollywood movie

Ahh, here we go, back to the original problem. You have TWICE now taken one black person and are using them as the representative.

The words may be harsh but if you pull your head out of your asshole you'll understand what I'm saying. You're JUST AS PREJUDICE as the people you're complaining about. You're just as bad as racists if you go around letting one person represent the entire race. The only thing I'm sorry for is that you posted such an inane question. What next, why do women get raped? Why do people commit murder? As an adult you should already recognize these things as a fact of existence, instead of asking why certain ethnic groups exhibit behaviors that EVERY group does. Think next time. Just a little bit. It won't hurt. I promise.

Seriously guys, how did you overlook this quote in the original blog?

Or Africans are simply bad people?

How DARE you ask a question like that? Are Africans simply bad people? That's a stupid, RACIST question and you have the nerve to ask if they're being racist? I think I'm gonna throw up.
I have to say that I understand far more where Marley is coming from than where those saying he is over-reacting are coming from.

One barman throws one woman out of a bar and the whole continent is to blame? Holy fuck - does no one else see the madness in that?

Note1: I have yet to see any proof or statement that shows the barman acted because of her race and that a white woman would not have been treated the same.
Note2: There are white Africans - not all Africans are black.
^Thanks Manly, some people are coddling him becaues he's foreign but every language has the word "stereotype." Since when is this acceptable? If I apply for a loan at a bank and the man (who happens to be white) rejects me can I then ask "Are all white American men just bad people?"

It doesn't make a lick of sense but I guess the foreign "accent" (or idea that there is one) softens the blow.:rolleyes:

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