I've done a bad bad thing...seriously...

Some of you may not be from shitty neighborhoods so I don't fully expect all of you to understand the seriousness of what I did tonight.

I broke the "g-code". The code of the streets. I stitched.

I was going to the gas station up the street from my momma's house where I grew up to get some beer for the game at around 8:15 pm est. I was the only car there nd as I pulled up I saw a masked man come from behind the dumpster that was right in fromt of the parking spot that I was entering. He lifted his shirt and gripped the handle of his pistol. Then, once he saw my face and recognized he knew me he said " if ya wanna make it home tonight, i suggest you leave right now ", but in a thick geechee accent. He didn't have to tell me twice.

Then, as I pulled off, I realized that the girl I lost my virginity to was working att he register. I felt bad knowing that she was in trouble so I made my first mistake- I called to police.

After they showed up (15 minutes afterwards) and made me stay there for 2 hours filling out reports they told me I could leave. As I got back in my car I pulled out and was about to leave, then I saw her face (the girl I knew) and she was all shook up.

So I pulld back into the space and said " officer, i may be of more assistance". I told him that I knew the voice and body type of the guy that told me to leave and that I had a name and could identify him. So I told the detective the name and he pulled up a picture in his car and I identified him.

I feel like I just slapped my own mother. This may not be important to some but I just broke a MAJOR rule. I just had to tell somebody.


Don't snitch applies to the drug war, or intergang violence. If you see a gangster gun down another one, its really none of your business.

But things like robbing innocent store clerks, or rape, that don't snitch shit doesn't apply.

I would be looking to move in the next couple of years, though. Cops are sloppy sometimes... and if you don't have a gun, thank your American forefathers as you purchase one.
Try growing some balls and deciding for yourself what is best and what is right.

That is the most pathetic shit I have ever read.
Chinagirl73 - it's not always as easy as growing a set or manning up. He DID decide to do what was best and right. He also violated a code of behavior for where he lives that he knows better than any of us. I think the unspoken thing here is that doing what is best and right could cost him - let's hope not.
Before anyone judges Mista Geechee, you might wanna understand more about the situation. The fact is, he not only put himself in danger, but also his family & friends.

MG, it took a hell of a set of balls to do the right thing knowing full well what might happen next.
Ok I live in an area like you do. I am in a bad, mostly section 8, part of town.
A few years ago not 2 blocks from my home, a murder took place in the alley. A 3rd party was walking past at the moment, ran to the man and comforted him, called 911 and spoke with him until he died.
The good samaritan knew the murder from the neighborhood, turned him in. While awaiting trial he put a hit out on the witness and the man was gunned down in front of his home. 3 people killed him and they split $500 reward.
I keep my mouth shut
chinagirl- I couldn't possibly expect you to understand.

Everybody else - Thanks for the positivity.
You better than me dude, I wouldn't have said shit, not cuz of that bullshit no snitch rule but cuz I wouldn't want anybody I cared about to be in danger. You did the right thing though and I bet it wasn't easy. Sorry but this comment made me snicker a bit.

But things like robbing innocent store clerks, or rape, that don't snitch shit doesn't apply.

You wouldn't think it applies, but......
Maybe if more people stood up to the tugs that have taken over the citys, we wouldnt have the crime and violence that we have today. Good for you for doing the right thing.

As for the "dont snitch" only applys to drugs, that a load of hooie. I was a superintentent at a building and the pushers were using the parking lot to do their dealings, so i just kept taking down plate numbers and kept calling the cops. Eventually the cops got tired of me calling and set up a sting and busted the dealer and some of his customers. Bottom line is i took back my parking lot. It has now been 2 years and no drug activity!
MG, I can just feel your body shaking. The dude that you identified extended you a great courtesy by even giving you. He could've easily say NOTHING AT ALL and did exactly what intended to do. You say, "bad bad". I say it was "hard hard". It's the hardest thing growin up in an area where your friends and your homies and your comrades are the ones that you have to watch your back with the most. I remember living in an area where I had to keep somebody in my house "strapped" all of the time 24 hours a day, just to keep somebody from coming after us. And that's not from anything I did or said. I've never broken the code like you made the choice to do. I won't even say that you were forced because you weren't. It was your choice. There may be reprecussions from your choice that's the reality of making a choice.

You keep your head up, your eyes open and ears alert. Revenge does not die with time. It only gets stronger.

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mista geechee
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