Who cares what you think!?!

I'm just gonna vent because it's not like that many people listen to me on here anyway.

There have been too many people spouting off politically since this election got rolling and, to be quite honest...I don't give a fuck about what you think anymore.

Every three seconds another politically charged post flies up into the air and of course since it's my choice to read it or not...I do. Three words in I'm ready to throw myself out of the ninth story window on an eight story building. The mud-slinging, socially unconcious rhetoric spit up makes me nauseous.

Who I'm voting for will only matter when I put my dot in the hole, so it's not like this is directed to any particular group. Both sides have radicals, but I'm tired of everyone speaking as if they could get up tomorrow and go lobby for health care reform in the senate.


Sure, if you'd care to make statements based on fact about one candidate or the other in a civilized format, we'd all love to read it and understand your point of concern or support; however, when you mix up heresay and assinine ideals brought up by third, fourth and fifth parties as if it was printed by God YOU FAIL.

The worst part of this whole "Who do you think..." "Is _____ the right person for the job" questioning is that those who truly know they are unschooled in politics will be lead by your idiotic text. I'm not sure that's not on your agenda, but I'll say that having the blind leading the blind never gets to going in the right direction.

I'll stop there because I think I'm about to shit a blood clot I'm so pissed. Thanks for letting me share.


The reason I requested a Political forum in the Questions forum was so it would be easier for members to avoid politics if that wasn't their bag. At least youre American & relate to what theyre yapping about. Us foreigners can only relate up to a point. Now its all tucked away in its own forum I can just avoid it altogether. Bliss.

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