Knowledge Is Not power


so let's stop pretending to ourselves propagatin' that knowledge is power. the slogan bugs me, and so do the ones that believe it. the two aren't even directly related. indirectly related yes. first of all regards to power, i'll speak in reference to your civilization.... society, your peers, or even the entire global population.
think about it.. if knowledge was power... the libraries should be labeled so... and if that's the case, the internet could inherit the appropriate title of power as well. therefore, that'd mean that anyone who could click around on the net who was literate would have power to wield at their fingertips.. no. no no no no.
knowledge is useless unless you... EXPRESS IT. knowledge is actually quite damagin' to oneself if simply left there... as it'll either be forgotten or dwelled upon by only yourself, and if it's already absorbed into your brain to begin with, all the dwellin' in the world wouldn't bring greater understandin' of that information until you DECIDE to share it with others. ... so once expressin' this knowledge, your means of expression play the most pivotal part if knowledge is to have any relation to power. and that in itself requires knowledge once again.. and is a whole other topic on it's own....
only when your means of expression attracts ATTENTION will you then find a direct bond to power. their REACTIONS are the beginning to that single pulse of POWER. and that pulse of power carries it's wave thru all u have empowered, until it fades and no longer chains a reaction.
reactions are signs your power exists...which the ATTENTION measures.


Brother Truth Speak, I only hope that you at some point get into a mentoring program and help better some young men out there. I've said all along you have a fire in your belly, a fertile mind, and the power to express.

You have much to offer some troubled youth when you channel that energy my friend. I hope you do just that.

Peace brotherman.
primero , habla claro, puede que tngs razon pero no puedes decir lo que piensas. intentalo de nuevo, por lo demas estas bello y potenvcialmente productivo
Hey! You are really witty and I continue to wish you the best at NYU. Just don't forget me on your way up the ladder of success. I will be there for you. So be there for me bud.
thanks for the comments..I really do appreciate them...I am very gracious
Hi there your blog? What gets you hot under the collar? the inner power thing and expressing etc what are you doing about it or have you been infuenced by some- one or an event?
i think back when that statement was made, those without knowledge were powerless. if you were constantly told that you rights were this, and you never read for yourself because you trusted what you were told, then you were powerless to whatever the person told you what your rights were (especially when that person tells you that to keep you in a place to benefit himself). but if you begin to read and learn what your rights really are, now you have become empowered and can use that new found knowledge to your benefit. that's just my take on it. offering a different view point.

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