
I always edge.....sometimes all day or maybe a week. then i cum a huge load. yesterday i thought i would jack off without edging....just cum. there was more cum than when i edged. why? i have been taking arginine each day, mainly for the pumps i get weightlifting....but it has caused my cock to get harder and it has increased the cumshot. so that DOES work. i cant get anything done now-a-days accept for stroking or cumming!!! i am more addicted than ever to cum. i even find myself looking at mens bulges more than ever. i have a sounding rod that vibrates and i love the feel of the rod inside my cock. i tie a cock ring around my balls and cock and i have a string attached to the ring at the top of sounding rod so when i stick the vibrating rod into my dick i wrap the string around the cock ring so the rod stays in place as i walk around or type on the computer. it can hold back cum or cause a great increase in precum....which it does. i am so glad i am a man!!!!!!
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Hey hairyman
Damn that sounds Fucking Hot!!!
instead of a string to hold your sound in you might want to see if you can find a med/surg instrument called a "penis clamp" . It is basically an oval spring that fits around the penis and is used by doctors to hold a catheter in place, without doing damage to the vascular system of the penis
If you'd like i can try to send you an image of one
Hope you find this infro helpful
It's weird... you have to experiment here and there, and figure what works best for what you want to achieve. Most ppl stick with the same ol same ol.
never measured my load....but i can see it is more than tablespoons. as for that clamp sounds painful!!! the way i do it, i dont feel a thing accept for the vibrating sound rod and the cumshot that sometimes follows. you can send a pic of the clamp . thanks for all that commented. got to go cum now....later
your excersize sounds well, interesting...please start a thread w/photos, i have only slightly heard of this enchanting party in the pants..thx
i dont need yohimbine.......i take argnine. it makes you have more cum with time and gives me erections all the i can jackoff more. i have the milking machine on tonight and it is milking my cock dry.....i have came today 5 times and working on 6 now. merry christmas and a cum flying exploding new year!!!!
i believe that the soul is in the sperm. the woman's egg is the body after the sperm gets into it and also delivers the soul. it would explain why it takes just one sperm and also why priests tell boys not to jack off because it is a sin!!! its not . it would also explain why it feels so good to jack off. that is pure energy of the soul you are releasing. think about it. you dont think there is a soul passing by when a baby is concieved??? do you?? the sperm is the soul. no one can prove this but it makes sense to me. im jacking millions of souls out right now!!!!
Despite that it seems like your load is building up, if you really wait, the load is just ejected when you take a piss. Probably a single long session will get you the biggest load because you pump is primed and you're not peeing it out.
The intensity of the edge will still be there, especially if you are going for two weeks (!) You've really crossed in to tantric sex at that point.
since i have been edging alot over the i love just putting on porn and edging my cock for 5...maybe 6 hours....slowly jacking. feels like i am in another world!! the prolonged pleasure is a real PLUS!! the cumshots are more intense and my whole body shakes when i do cum. afterward i feel stronger , like i could face anything. i guess thats why alot of bodybuilders jackoff before or after they lift weights. the hormones levels are off the chart. cumming is basic for all males. enjoy your cock.
today i had the milking machine on all day and my cock in it.....i came 5 times in a 12 hour period. giving it a break now. may go back to it. i am on a high that is hard to explain. cumming over and over like this has gave me strength i never had before. lifting weights is easier. i have to drink alot of water now...if i am to keep the milking going for days!!!
scottredleter;bt16324 said:
Despite that it seems like your load is building up, if you really wait, the load is just ejected when you take a piss. Probably a single long session will get you the biggest load because you pump is primed and you're not peeing it out.
The intensity of the edge will still be there, especially if you are going for two weeks (!) You've really crossed in to tantric sex at that point.

Now i am jacking and not cumming the feel of not cumming.....crazy??? i thought so too...but men do it and you have to cum sometime. my cock gets harder and veiny and my balls get huge!!! love to go to the truck stop after i have waited for 3 weeks and just find a stall and enjoy edging it. the guys sit in the other stall and reach under and jack it some and then leave and come back. i am very much in control of my cum and it gives the pleasure i NEED!!!!
im trying the amino acids and zinc together now.......suppose to make you cum like a fountain!!!
more often too.

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