
I remember getting up to go to school in the 6th grade...making sure I listened to the radio and watched MTV the night before so I would be up to par with my current events and what not. The music was better...but worse at the same time. I still rocked out to Nirvana...and my other rock bands...and kept up with the pop music as well. I suppose that's how I stayed popular. One group that confused me...was the Spice Girls. They were like this Girl power group that you secretly liked, yet some how you knew it was wrong to like them. That was like 1996.

At any rate...

Now, I see the Spice Girls in 2007, and I have to sit back and think...where did the time go?

Scary Spice actually grew curves and got a proper hairdresser...Sporty Spice...doesn't even look the same...Sexy (Ginger) Spice is more like Faery Spice, and Posh looks anerexic and less posh (she was way hotter as a brunette), and Baby Spice...still looks like a baby- damn her. It just blows my mind. Just like the Backstreet Boys without Kevin...why 2007? Why?


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