Depression and the economy

I realized today my profile includes my previous blog entries. BORING!!!!! So I decided I should at least try to write here occasionally, though it may still be boring!:rolleyes:

I have been out of work since the beginning of September. Already diagnosed with clinical depression, this has been really bad. I hate to admit it, but truly, a couple times the idea of ending my life seemed my only way to get out of having to pay rent with money I don't have.But somehow I find the strength to soldier on, hoping I don't become one of the many who live under cardboard boxes.

Its not like I'm not trying, ya know? This week alone I filled out 12 apps and had 3 interviews. And its not like I dont have education and skills, so wtf is going on? It is so very discouraging some days- the phone and cable are due again soon. I already had my car repossessed. Never in my life has it been this bad.

So today I came here. The place that somehow has always managed to lift my spirits- :biggrin1: uploading more nudie pics is always a way to chase the voices from my head for awhile! Most days, I am just so down I can't even come here and contribute to the threads, I feel I've nothing to contribute.

well tomorrow is another day and I am re-vamping my resume. lmao @ vamping. Oh the naughty ideas that generates!



Hang in there Sassy...Although things seem bad there is always light at the end of the tunnel. you can always apply for a temp job it's just temopary till better job comes your way. Well good luck and :hug: hmmm your boobies feel nice lol
Hey Sistah Sassy..Keep ur eyes on the prize. U are doing the best you can. Right now ur biggest allies are ur stamina & determination. And that u remember that ITS UR journey. Steady sails. Rough winds ahead! I admire ur courage and send you rays and rays of white light to support ur cause and work. May ur home be filled with the abundance that you deserve! In my own search for better work what I have found helpful was to attend some sort of local group that would address my need to network. Call everyone you know, find a group that may address either ur needs as someone who deals with depression or something that attracts ur professional endevors . And the stats are in this country that almost 67% of all women suffer and DEAL with depression as YOU do!
May you continue to move forth and remember that the world needs ur energy! U have the unique and deep energy that will manifest a life that's always full!
Stay well Sistah.... and for sure pamper urself in one way or another ! :)
Hello, Sassy.

I haven't heard from you in a loooonnggg time. Since I used to lurk in the chats. :eek: I missed you a lot.

You aren't alone in how you feel and with regard to your efforts. I hope that you realize that we are still worthy and are loveable no matter the situations that this life may bring us all. All angel wings have to temper with the flames of burden at times.

Sometimes life gives us burdens but we can bear them. It is okay to cry. It is okay to get angry. Whatever how you feel. The heart is like a pressure cooker. Your emotions are like its steam regulator. When life situations build up steam and pressure, you let the steam out.

My own family hates me. My hubby dumped me. I don't have any love support. All I have is me. I know who doesn't like me. I can have those that do like and love me. I can appreciate that. But I still got my angel wings in the pyre. I have had to even get rid of people and situations that weren't really beneficial to me in order to have a life somewhat of my very own. There are some really beautiful and wonderful things about life. And you need to realize that you are here for a purpose just like anyone else.
And you are needed. You are loved.

:hug: Keep your angel wings tempered.
Why haven't you talked to me Madam?
I'm always here for you and usually always read your blogs but I failed to see how depressed you were. I'm sorry for that.
Come talk to me and let me cheer you up!
Loves ya',
If you ever want to chat on Yahoo, PM me here. Everyone has issues and emotions, it's just when they need help. So I'm a good listener.
I'm sorry. But you found your old blogs to be boring, so you wrote about the ECONOMY????

I know exactly how you feel. I'm the same way.

I'd say to consider temp jobs and jobs outside your chosen career field, at least for now, in order to pay those bills. I have two temp jobs right now and will have another one from January-May (By then one of my jobs I have now may have ended), and another one has projects from time to time throughout the year, especially in spring and early summer. So yes, I'm juggling 4 or 5 temp jobs right now :) but I generally have no more than two jobs at a time.

Of course I want to get back into my field (IT), but I'm a high entry level to low mid-level IT person, and almost all the IT jobs I see posted are either senior-level, or require different programming languages or other expertise that I don't have. So I'm working retail and going to interview next week for an administrative assistant.
Ms Sassy,
Yea, like all the others say, please hang in there.
I know many times the problems seem insurmountable but take a bit at a time and eventually things will get done.
My employer is currently trying to lay me off too. Man does that suck!
This after over 30 years. This CEO/shareholder-centric society has got to go.
they just continue to screw the working person over.

But yes i agree it is fun to post some nudie pics. And yours are great.
Caused a very hard erection for me and lots of dripping precum and shooting cum.

pm me if you want to talk
Thanks so much, all of you. Your words of encouragement really help me- I guess I have just felt so discouraged, and humiliated to be in this position, that I didn't want to share my feelings of worthlessness.
I forgot how uplifting it can be to hear from you all, it has really motivated me again so I am REALLY filling out the apps and sending resumes!!
Thank you!! :kiss:
Hey Sassy! Great to see that you posted here and shared your thoughts and feelings! That is great! I know times are tough but that's no reason to give up at all. Keep filling out those apps and get your resume fine tuned to what you can do and may be able to do. Don't sell yourself short at all. You're a great person and would be an asset to any company, you just have to find the right one now. Keep at it! You will find something! Take care and please don't give up! Tom

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