My Move

The Saturday night before I was supposed to leave we had a family dinner at my parents house. My sister, her husband, my niece and nephew, my parents and I. I got very emotional when I hugged my mother goodbye. She is older and has had Parkinson's disease for over 10 years and is developing dementia. When I realized that it may be the last time I ever saw her I started sobbing in the porch.

I already had the trailer attached to my car so I was driven home by my brother-in-law. I was hoping to move on Sunday morning. I was not done by then. Sunday my father came over and looked at my car and noticed that one of my car tires had a slow leak. I looked over to his car and I told him that he also had a slow leak. He thought that I was kidding.

The trailer was already 90% loaded. It took me hours to get everything inside. We had to park the car with the trailer on the street, because my parking space was on a declining slope. We had to remove the trailer from the car to get the tire fixed. It was very hard to do and we had to use a jack to get it to raise off of the tow hitch. I was very worried that we would have trouble getting the trailer put back on, but with my father's help it was not that bad.

This was Monday. I got the tire fixed and I finished putting everything else in the trailer. I finally left around 12 noon. The move took 3 days because with a trailer you are only supposed to go 45 MPH. I actually went 55 the first day and then later drove at 60 MPH.

The trailer was 5 ft by 8 ft. It was so full that I had to leave behind a few things such as my clothes hamper, a small table and a few other things. When I got to Florida I went directly to the public storage place.

I was not happy with Public Storage. They gave me a higher rate than I was quoted, till I demanded that they correct it. It was different that the storage place I used in NJ. The one in Florida made you buy your own lock. Luckily I had the moving trailer lock. Public Storage also made you buy insurance starting at an extra $8 a month. They do not tell you this ahead of time. When I got to my unit there was a dead mouse in it. The elevator smelled like piss.

I also fucked up with the lock. It was the kind where the U shaped part slips completely off. While storing my items I put the lock in the open latch and locked it. When I was ready to lock my unit I noticed the lock was on upside down. The key would not fit in at this angle. I went downstairs and they said they did not have any bolt cutters. Luckily there was another clasp that I could use to lock my unit. The girl at the place felt sorry for me and did not charge me for the lock.

The storage unit was only 4 for by 7 ft. It was taller than the trailer, so I was able to get everything inside, but just barely.

I then returned the trailer to Uhaul. I then went to get a motel for the night. I then found a Motek at Dania beach (just south of Fort Lauderdale) that had a studio apartment that I could rent for a week. During that time I found the apartment that I finally chosse, after seeing many clunkers.

A few days after I got here my sister was on vacation in Orlando so I visited them and stayed overnight.

All is well and I am finally gettig settled in and I love South Florida.


Congratulations on a good and successful move Mem. May your new start in Florida be filled with all the happy times and good things which you have been hoping for.
I'm sorry you had a shakey start; but I am glad you made it there safely and are starting to get settled in your new home. :smile:

Has Hurricane Fay hit you yet?
Thanks Northland and NJQT for the well wishes. Fay passed west of here. We got worse heavy downpours the day before it passed.
I just saw this today (12/01/2008). I was very touched ... sorry to hear about your mom ... hope all is well.

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