A Fabulous Mood

Ever have one of those days when you realize how much of an impact someone has made on your life?

~To the world you're just one small person, but to one small person you might be the world~

If you want to see positive change in my life, look to how sad I always was, how depressed about life I was and look at the change. I am so much more positive in my day to day life, I have my off days, but only few and far between. I knew one person had the ability to make me miserable, but I didn't know that one person could pick up my mood so much. To see his smile, still makes me smile, his laugh makes me laugh. Even though we're destined to only be friends, I still get so much out of that friendship. I don't look forward to talking to anyone else nearly as much as I look forward to talking to him.

Maybe writing about him is creepy, but I have no one else to tell about how much I love having him in my life. :redface:


Wow Tink....I don't know what to say, honestly. I was actually looking for your "Cutter" blog entry tonight to try to encourage you on ways to even out this violent self-destructive see-saw of emotion you're on and you went from slicing your own skin to total love in 2 days? I don't know you, and you don't know me but in an odd sense, I feel a connection to you....pm me if you want to talk more. If not - no worries - and I wish you the best - sincerely.

It's not creepy. I have a woman in my life that is that way for me. But I want more and I'm tired of emotionally supporting her as a friend.
I had no idea you'd been in such a rut until now but I'm glad to hear that you have someone in your life that makes you this happy. You don't have anyone else to tell? Tell him!
I guess some people never want to acknowledge just how valuable they are, like they don't deserve to be that special. How can he not believe it when you've done such a 180 because of him?
Oyy he just got upset when I told him about the cutting.. what I think was a painful work of art he seen as craziness. It wasn't over the course of 2 days, he's been in my life for almost 11 months and he has made my such a happier person. He is something kind of amazing, he just doesn't see it yet. Oh well, maybe eventually. :)
Remember when you were a kid on a swingset? It was fun and you loved it...kept saying "push me higher!" but there is a point where you can't swing higher without getting flipped on your head...it's part physics and part fact of life. I would really like to talk with you but it's up to you...we're ALL crazy to some extent but that doesn't mean we can't help each other through all this...and helping each other is really what it's all about:)

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