Big women

Just thought I'd put my two cents in regarding the subject of big women (bbw's). There are no famous bbw actresses in hollywood, none on tv (unless put in a comedic role, never a sexy role). I have had a fair share of ladies, and I must admit freely, the best sex I've ever had has been with big women. It's probably because I am a "total body" lover. I find the rubenesque body to be the most pleasureable to view and to touch and taste. I am not a big fan of bones on a female body. I know, I know, Madison ave would have you believe otherwise, but bring on the BBW's ! They rule my world!



i agree, but i'm not exclusive about that. but my last 3 girlfriends have all been bbw's. my first was bones.
Ladies, it's my pleasure. I will never go back to skinny again! BTW porongraphicpoet, seems like you're hooked too (last three huh?) LOL
im not a guy but im bi, and i just wanted to say that i think bigger women are beautiful. i was big for a few years in my teens and even through im skinny now due to a medical condition, i loved it. mr ex bf said cuddling a big women is best, theres more to love!

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