I am Above Average

I am above average.

I have always been above average even as a child. I am not talking about my looks, as much as I am about my spirit, intuitiveness, sense of humor, work ethic, intellect, and ability to find the good in just about any situation no matter how bleak. Yes, I am one of those annoying optimists. :smile: I have always been proud of this; yet not conceited about it. I think that's the source of my current problem.

Why is it that on the best large penis site I know of, the only men who want to chat with me are significantly below average? :confused: I thought I had made it clear in one or two of my over 5,000 posts that I am a size queen. That's not meant to be a challenge, It's a statement of fact. I know for a fact that men with average and below average sized penises are good, intelligent, funny, successful people. I never disputed that; but when it comes to sex and romance, I'm not interested in you.

Initially, I thought, "there's nothing wrong with just chatting with these guys." Boy, did y'all prove me wrong! It never fails. At some point every below average and average man I have chatted with decides he is the one that can some how fix me. Guess what guys . . . I'm not broken! :biggrin1:

It just kills me that some men seriously expect me to get on a plane and fly to Indiana, Calgary, or Belgium to suck and fuck your 4x4 penis?!? :eek: Nor do I have any intention of allowing you to come to my home to prove to me that I don't need an above average penis to satisfy me. I'm 41, and I know for fact, from experience, that small to average penises do nothing for me.

I am an above average woman and I NEED an above average man.


but when an above average guy like the big duder talks to you, you call him a drunk. picky, picky.
You're very outspoken, but I don't think I've ever read what your minimum size requirement is. :confused: :wink:
Serious question, NJ: What if you were below average but lacked the wit to know it?
(Seriously, that one worries me all the time.:redface:)
Posted By Big Duder: but when an above average guy like the big duder talks to you, you call him a drunk. picky, picky. LMAO, Gee BigDuder you may want to try not holding a grudge for 3 months.

Are you still upset because after I read this thread "Does anybody immediately start stripping when drunk?" which you wrote, I thought you were an alcoholic?:confused: I apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusion. :smile:
Senior Rubirosa: Serious question, NJ: What if you were below average but lacked the wit to know it? (Seriously, that one worries me all the time.:redface:) The great philosopher and comedic actress Goldie Hawn once said that, "Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at." Hmm, That doesn't answer your question does it? Okay, I'll admit it I am sometimes a half-wit. :biggrin1:

Italian978: You're very outspoken, but I don't think I've ever read what your minimum size requirement is. :confused: Let's just say it's fluid, like the sexuality of 80% of the people here. :cool:
The great philosopher and comedic actress Goldie Hawn once said that, "Part of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at." Hmm, That doesn't answer your question does it? Okay, I'll admit it I am sometimes a half-wit. :biggrin1:

Actually, NJ, I'd seriously say that's not bad.:cool:
Senor Rubirosa, I may not always agree with you; but I do respect you and your opinions. :smile: You should post more often, many of us could learn from you. IMO your wit and intellect have proven to be well above average. :cool:
I'd love to chat sometime, but I always figured you must have several hung guys fawning over you all the time.
Dw would kill me if I did. Besides, she is waiting for you, naughty, hotmilf, IknowKK, Meg, cigarbabe, and 36 DD to come out for a spa day at Salish and shoo me out of the house afterwards to go out on the lake.
You are simply wonderfull. I also wonder if this were a man saying the same thing about the type of Woman he wants to Chat or Meet would there be any questions asked. This Divine woman has spoken. I love it!
Why should you have to explain over,and over,and over again
what you want in a man?
I say, "take me as I am" ,or leave me the hell alone! I love you just the way you are.
Now,if I only had Mr. Ed's dick, and was a man! Oh baby we'd be married by now!
Yeah... I'm with ya! Although I've had "okay" sex with average guys, the big guys definitely feel better to me! :) And after recently being with a small guy and an average guy for the first time in YEARS (I'd only been with big guys from the mid 90s until this past week!), I know for a FACT that this is true for me!

(Please, no harassing PM's!)
I have a couple of tattoo ideas to help ya out nj!

Right butt cheek:
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: njqt466 is not interested in the average penis, it is beneficial to your manhood/ego to take this warning seriously. Lack of impressive size, length and girth, could lead to humiliation, anger, uncontrollable snickering, carpel tunnel syndrome, arthritic elbow joints, blue ball syndrome, excessive masturbation, and general unhappiness.

Left butt cheek:
You must be this long to ride |--1"--2"--3"--4"--5"--6"--7"--8"+---->

Average folks, whatever the definition these days, stop stalking nj!

You dont have to explain your preferences to anothers. Iam above average too but in size dimentions: 6-5 tall and 8x6 dick . Strangely i prefer petite girls over the tall ones for some reason.
Sometimes it's just hard for people to accept that they can't have who or what they want. How do you rationalize that someone you're attracted to as a fundamental part of your being is not attracted to you? It's like beyond rejection of you, it's like a break in your reality.

It can be an incredibly confronting thing that someone you almost see as an extension of yourself is unattainable.
I completely understand your opinion of yourself as above average. Based on your wit, logic, presence of mind, etc, I agree (not that you needed me to validate it). I also understand your physical need for a big dick - it simply "is what it is." None of us should take that personally. I frequently wish my cock was larger, but so be it. I've learned to be happy with my totality as a person. BUT, assuming we're not just playing semantics here, don't say you need someone above average, as if to say that a big dick makes you above average. Given your superior intelligence (said without even a scintilla of sarcasm), can I just assume you mean simply dick size, supplemented (of course) by intelligence, etc. I consider myself well above average...just not very well hung. Am I missing something here?
You should add an addendum to your profile:

My Minimum Length requirement is _____
My Minimum Girth requirement is _____

That'll weed out the small to average guys. :wink:

You should add an addendum to your profile:
My Minimum Length requirement is _____
My Minimum Girth requirement is _____
That'll weed out the small to average guys.
Not on your life! :mad: I face enough torture by text and vilification by both male and female members already for being a size queen. You obviously don't know dick about how men tick.
lgej: C'mon now!
I completely understand your opinion of yourself as above average. Based on your wit, logic, presence of mind, etc, I agree (not that you needed me to validate it). I also understand your physical need for a big dick - it simply "is what it is." None of us should take that personally. I frequently wish my cock was larger, but so be it. I've learned to be happy with my totality as a person. BUT, assuming we're not just playing semantics here, don't say you need someone above average, as if to say that a big dick makes you above average. I meant that my needs in cock size were above average. Something which I am sure you understood; but chose to ignore. Given your superior intelligence (said without even a scintilla of sarcasm), Yeah right! can I just assume you mean simply dick size, supplemented (of course) by intelligence, etc. I consider myself well above average...just not very well hung. Am I missing something here? FYI: I have stated this on LPSG, numerous times before. The man I desire must have intelligence, kindness, great sense of humor, patience, share common interests, gainfully employed, and a myriad of other characteristics in addition to an above average penis.

If a man is a big dick in addition to possessing a large penis, then I want nothing to do with him.

For the record, thats why most female size queens are single. :frown1: :mad: I've settled in various areas before. I'm NOT doing that again. There are very few men of quality, with whom I share common interests and whom I am not ashamed to bring home to meet the folks, whom also have an above average penis. Does this answer your snide little question?

Perhaps you could explain why it is the men who are not above average in penis size always take offense so vehemently? Do you attack the men with big penises too?

Burns1de along with many others here prefer women with big to huge boobs. I don't have big boobs, you don't see me attacking them. :cool:

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