Whopper virgins...

So, Burger King has unveiled its latest creepy commercial, this time, using (actors playing?) indigenous people from other cultures who had never tasted a hamburger -- so-called "whopper virgins".

The obvious LPSG joke aside -- whopper virgins, indeed! -- I noticed that the latest ad features villagers from Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

Am I supposed to find it appetizing that members of a culture that eats water bugs and dog prefer the Whopper to the Big Mac?

McDonald's, you can have this slogan for free. The Whopper: preferred three-to-one by people who eat dogs.


I like the Big Mac and the WHOPPER.

I hope that Burger King isn't trying to make a water bug and dog WHOPPER in the US. I think that I would go to McDonald's then.
The commercial is stupid, but, meat is meat.
Why is it assumed they lack a sophisticated palate because they eat food that most Westerners would not?

While my dad was serving overseas he ate dog and said that it actually is very light, like fowl, and tastes good. The animals aren't house pets that they just kill one day, they breed dogs for meat and flavor... for all I know it tastes better than the beef in those nasty-ass burgers.
Yes Burger King, introducing arteriosclerosis and heart disease to cultures where they were previously unknown.
"The commercial is stupid, but, meat is meat.
Why is it assumed they lack a sophisticated palate because they eat food that most Westerners would not?

While my dad was serving overseas he ate dog and said that it actually is very light, like fowl, and tastes good. The animals aren't house pets that they just kill one day, they breed dogs for meat and flavor... for all I know it tastes better than the beef in those nasty-ass burgers." DulceBum


I didn't get that from the commercial at all. The marketers went to the places where people didn't know what the hell a burger was. And they wanted to do a taste test...with people who never had an American hamburger. They had McDonald's Big Mac and Burger King's Whopper represented.

I will eat your WHOPPER if you aren't going to eat it. :smile: :biggrin1:
"for all I know it tastes better than the beef in those nasty-ass burgers." Quote Sweet Ass

And if you had a hamburger stand, you could call it Sweet Ass Burgers.
With the Best Buns Ever!

I would be a customer :smile:
Invisi, not from the commercial, which is just silliness, but Mindseye.
And you can always have my Whopper™! :smile:

I know you would, Pitbull! :yup:
I've seen it and it's just plain stupid as opposed to creepy like the rest of the commercials that show that stiff plastic Burger King.
Sweet_ass: I don't think I was assuming anything. What I mean is that one's palate is culturally developed. Mayonnaise on french fries? Weird in the US, routine in Europe. As well, some foods are an acquired taste; spring Marmite on any unsuspecting American, and they'd probably spit it out.

These Whopper "virgins" don't have any frame of reference to know what a good hamburger should taste like. So why would their recommendations carry any weight?
It's kind of silly. I mean, I agree with mindseye's last point. If they've never had a burger, and we don't see their choices, how are we supposed to know they understand the challenge?

Personally, I find the idea of them picking the big mac rather humourous.
I may suck cock and eat ass, but BK isn't part of my nutritional plan. Also feel that jason els said it best.
I hate this commercial... it's just WEIRD!

And no, it doesn't make me want to go eat at Burger King... so they FAILED! Ha!
I understand what you were trying to say now, it just seemed a little strident last night. I do not know if they have any knowledge of what a "good" burger tastes like, but I think the purpose of the taste test was to decide what tasted better between the two, and that I think they are capable of doing. :shrug:
The most ridiculous thing was that one "tribe" lived in Europe. Romania, to be exact. And McDonald's is all over the place over there! Burger King isn't.
The Burger King advertising strategy that gets me is the BK cologne. Because we all know women like nothing more than a man who smells like charbroiled ground chuck.
Ah, to quote Otto from the Simpsons after opening this entry expecting to see something graphic:

"Blatant false advertising, man........."
My near-by Burger King has a sign in the east entrance featuring the King, saying: "LET US MANAGE YOUR MEAT". How about it guys. Any takers? After all ,it is the home of the WHOPPER ! The King must have Gaydar.
Their new multi-faceted campaign is certainly garnering attention-- whether or not we end up buying a burger from them is another question.

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