2009 i plan on getting as much dik as possible!!

im so over it, last year was the pitts, i have been so busy with work..ive had no time to get any quality dick. my 2008 went like this: First their was Kawrl my italian stallion, sexi muthafuker...could eat sum good p*ssy! then there was Amir the little dick, doesnt eat pu##y meat head. he had a nice body but was so dumb. then the jumpoff Mr. King Dingaling himself with that nine inch cock that drove me mad!!! This man had me drooling over his dick slinging skills...my pussy was dripping wet as soon as he would call me on the phone... he has since struck a tude with me...and its over.....and now i am on the hunt for some new dick...most men i am around are so picky and particular and trifling...all i need is some good dick....eveyone deserves so good sex.....so heres to 2009...I PLAN ON GETTING AS MUCH DICK AS POSSIBLE....life is not a dress rehersal it is the real thing....happy f*ucking! :tongue:


Great resolution.
I think I try to give as much dick as possible.

Nice lips.
May our paths cross

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