I'm soooo dissapointed in you.

When we met I thought u were really amazing and a really nice guy,

Really sweet and down to earth.

But it turns out you are totally fucked up, really selfish and a total
fuckin loser...

You're a total fuckin disapointment!!

To say the least.......


Okay, so it won't win any prizes for writing/poetic talent......BUT I just felt like it!!!!!
"But it turns out you are totally fucked up, really selfish and a total
fuckin loser...

You're a total fuckin disapointment!!

To say the least......."

I guess I will have to send my Uncle Michael from Australia, Sigourney Weaver and the Alien to that fucker's place and let them settle it for you.


And we could go on a date with the cute bisexual guy from Sydney...you can have sex with him first and I will have sloppy seconds. :smile:
LUCKY you found this out before you invested more of your self into relationship...move along to better, we all deserve to be happy.
I reckon ur plan sounds like a goodun' invisibleman!!!!

We'll definately have to do that!!! LMAO!! x

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