Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday rolled around and i relaxed all day, looking forward to the party that evening. i had taken a 3 hour nap and just when i was rousing myself out of bed at nearly 4:30 i got a call from friends telling me they were on their way over to the Corner Bar on the river and they were checking in to make sure i would attend.
I showered, dressed and headed over and was pleasntly surprised to see friends i had not seen in a long time. So we chattered away until the game started and the drinks flowed freely, the food was extensive.
I happened to turn my head and survey the assembled crowd just at the moment a beautiful brunette girl with piercing blue eyes walked in at the end of the bar.
We did the whole smile/eye flirty thing and i walked over and chatted her up having no idea who she was.
Friends and i enjoyed the game and the ads and at half time the stripper came out. As it turns out, the hot brunette i had chatted up earlier was the stripper and her she was naked, save for a very tiny, black g-sting. she adeptly worked her way through the crowd to the delight of everyone.
Soon enough she was over to the part of the room where i was seated with friends and SOMEHOW (i really don't know how) i ended up sprawled out across the pool table with her crawling all over me in every manner possible, while pulling up my shirt, pulling down my pants (not all the way though) . but she had a good look and was pleasantly surprised from her gyrating.
I was not paying attention to anything other than this hot, naked woman on top of, behind, in front of me.
And just today i received an e-mail including lots of pics of my fun time at the super bowl party. people and their cameras. lol.

monday consisted of tending to a raging hangover.
tuesday (today) consisted of getting completely rid of monday's hangover.

it was a very quiet day which was welcome.
a few phone calls from friends and that is always nice.
Then, KNOCK KNOCK at the front door.
mr. white power new next door neighbor showed up to tell me that he had to be in the hospital for tests for 4 herniated discs in his back and OH btw - did he want me to have him set up a date with some friend of his wife's? he assured me that she was blonde haired and blue eyed.

Blind dates are bad enough under the best of circumstances, but a white power, white trash blind date? are you fucking KIDDING ME? i was able to have him leave shortly thereafter with no confirmation of such a date.

tomorrow i go get my hair cut and figured since i will be in town i will catch up with people, do coffee, lunch, w/e, general catch up. of course i am not able to get ahold of anyone and the people i am able to get ahold of are busy or will be at work at their jobs. i really need to get me one of those things.
so i will be in town and will have time and actually be in the mood to socialize and the only offer i have pending is the aforementioned set-up. thank you. NO.

i guess i will just go to the museum and walk around town and check out galleries and the cool stores that i like.

so, super bowl sunday was fun. i hope everyone here enjoyed theirs.


I'm so confused. :confused: Why was there a stripper at the bar? :confused: Was it somebodys birthday? Or was this a combination bachelor party & Superbowl party?
:lmao: Oh okay, I guess I have led a pretty sheltered life. I never went any place that did that. :redface:
i'd only want to go 2 the party if the stripper like girls too!! ;-)

More fun!!

Sounds like you had the MOST fun though!!!

As for the white power blind date.....LMFAO!!!



oh yes. the stripper loved the girls. she actually was wayyy nicer to the women than the guys and really seemed to enjoy sucking on their tits...
all strippers like girls. ever so part of the job. and a little bit of a show is good for upping the tips from men.

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