the dumps

im an upbeat guy...but im so in the depths of depression right now. fuck. this aint how i roll :mad:
any experiences in getting out of it>>>>:cool:


nope. fighting it everyday myself. but considering you are in two cities i would like to be in chicago (definitely, close to home), and louisville, i'm sure there are plenty of things to do. go to lincoln park zoo, it's free.
UGH. sorry Bro.
have you worked out lately?
taken a steam or even relaxed in
a tanning bed? i am not depressive by nature,
but overwhelming distressing situations from time to time cause me to be depressed. and i find that when i make a point to quit zoning out and allowing myself to be depressed and actually do something - and sometimes i have to make myself do something - i end up feeling a bit better.
sometimes to get out of it, i have to make myself go to parties, go out to meet friends for lunch or dinner, go skiing or even talk on the phone with friends. when i do those things, somehow the focus is not on me or what i am feeling and if i share things, people have really good perspectives on things that i had not thought of. so thanks for posting this blog and asking.
keep your chin up and hang in there.
Well their is no one way to make yourself stop feeling down. First step is realizing and acknowledging your depressed and that the thoughts you'll be having is a result of you feeling down. I've gone through some rough patches in my life, best remedy for me was being around friends who can help you through it and/or change of scene.
Im taking care of my mom has breast cancer and my dad has alzhieimers...ancd he is getting mean
holy shit. that is a LOT to have going on at the same time. even one of those things is tough enough, but both at the same time. wow. i hope you have a lot of suport and help.
i am so sorry about the alzheimers. that is such a devastating thing when it gets to that stage.
is your mother responding well to treatment? and are they both still living together in their own house/apartment - alone?
hey bro - sorry to hear you're dealing with so much - been batling my own depression, and I know three things that help: 1) exercise regularly (doesn't matter what - jsut do it), 2) eat healthy, and (believe it or not) 3) take cold showers - yes, for some reason they really help!
Sorry to hear you were having a rough patch. 2008 was my rough patch and I didn't like believing that some things take time.
Hope things are going better.

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