Ohhhh noooo!!

Oh, oh I feel so ill!! I need cuddles.....

Thats it really I just feel ill!! :smile:

And errrm thought I'd seek ur attention!!

All cuddles male or female, sexual/nonsexual will be appreciated!!! :biggrin1:


If u send hugs i'll return em when u are ill!!

Seriously...I feel like complete and utter shit!!! :frown1:
Thanku you are all so kind....I will send you cuddles if you ever post or tell me you are ill!!! xx
Feeling better now there, Amber?

Hello everybody,

lol I feel a bit better 2day i just slept for ages.....

I think I have throat infection as I kept coughing every 10 seconds all night (up until last nite) and my nose wouldn't stop running!!


Bit better now!!

But docs for me 2moro I think!!

Thanxalot for cuddles!!! :smile:
Hehe well you're certainly easy to please arent you? :)

By the way would blue balls be considered an illness?
I think blue balls mite be considered an illness!!

I mean they shouldn't be blue!! It just sounds wrong!! or are they just feing sad!!?? Lol.

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