New Home for Doggie!

After trying to go through the proper channels of animal control and animal rescue shelters and getting absolutely NO WHERE,
i decided to take matters into my own hands and find a home for this wonderful dog I rescued "Kilo".
I stopped at the homes of 3 friends and they all had 2 dogs each and couldn't think of anyone that was looking for a dog so i went to a 4th friend's house out on Lake Michigan and sure enough.
They LOVED the dog and Kilo got along great with their yellow lab. So they are going to give Kilo a wonderful new beach home. Yay! I am so happy and relieved to have found him such a loving home. I will take him back out to live at the beach tomorrow around noon.
Now - if the degenerate people next door don't come over and ask for their dog in the meantime, this little story will have a happy ending.


Excellent! If it's like the situation with the two beautiful Border Collies I rescued last month, the owners will say, "Good, we wanted rid of him anyway".
They haven't even noticed he's gone!?!?
They shouldn't even be allowed to have a dog!
Well done on finding Kilo a happy new home!
thanks guys! it was awesome to walk the beach with him. he was so happy. and his new has a couple of cats, which he loves. its cute to see him lie down and have a cat curl up with him. yup. he lucked out!
and nope. i guess the people haven't noticed he's gone and if they have noticed, they don't seem too concerned about it.
well - it seems the neighbors have realized their dog is mising - AFTER 5 DAYS - and put what looks like bread and waffles in its food bowl in the back yard.

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