Wasting God's Blessings

I think if God gives you a great singing voice and you only sing at home in the shower. I think that pisses God off. He gave you a precious gift and you waste it. :irked:

I feel the same way about all these men with big, beautiful cocks who are still virgins at 25, 30, or higher. The creator blessed you with a precious gift and you waste it by not sharing it with at least one other human being. :mad: I'm not saying be a man whore but find somebody with whom to be intimate.


Easier said than done for some of us. What some find "easy" in picking girls or guys at a bar, some of us may as well be answering the age old riddles of the universe instead.

I don't get any of it.
I don't see how it would make God mad to wait for marriage before using the gifts that he granted for marital pleasure.

Speaking as a Christian. I am not waiting for marriage.
while not a virgin and not having wasted God's gifting in the area of cock and balls, i encourage njqt's theory.
if there are guys that are blessed and not sharing their blessings, i hope the ladies will step in, encourage the men to share and not be so bashful.
Maybe singing in the shower and enjoying the way they sound is enough for some people - maybe it makes them happy just for themselves and that's why God gave them the gift.

Who are we to guess the mind of God and what He does and doesn't like.

Is it more important that somebody with something you covet uses it the way you think they should, or that they are comfortable and happy in themselves and prioritise their lives as they see fit?

Two sides to every coin.
Somehow I knew this would be about big cocks. :rolleyes:

I think a big cock is more about biology, i.e., mom and dad's genes created through the centuries as a need to be more competitive in procreation by having a bigger cock and balls.

Problem is, when you talk about "using God's gift" you are actually interjecting religion, faith and beliefs because the phrase "God's gifts" is just another religious ("guilt") phrase. IOW, if you are not "using god's gift" you are doing something that is wrong and demands forgiveness. It's all

Having and using a big cock has absolutely nothing to do with religion or God. And don't even get me started on the whole "Chastity before marriage" crap that also, btw, has absolutely nothing to do with God but is just religious hypocracy. :frown1:
"I think if God gives you a great singing voice and you only sing at home in the shower. I think that pisses God off. He gave you a precious gift and you waste it. :irked:

I feel the same way about all these men with big, beautiful cocks who are still virgins at 25, 30, or higher. The creator blessed you with a precious gift and you waste it by not sharing it with at least one other human being. :mad: I'm not saying be a man whore but find somebody with whom to be intimate."--NJQT


I try to do that. But unfortunately I keep meeting men who have the God-given talent for "running away" or "wanting someone else other than I". I wouldn't mind a "man whore":eek::smile:. Even one who wants a relationship with me. :tongue::biggrin1:
"Who are we to guess the mind of God and what He does and doesn't like.

Is it more important that somebody with something you covet uses it the way you think they should, or that they are comfortable and happy in themselves and prioritise their lives as they see fit?

Two sides to every coin."--WomanlyCanisters

I agree. But sometimes...you have to wonder if God has a sense of humor and is watching us all with a big bowl of popcorn and a pitcher of blackberry Leblon caipirinhas.

I meet a man with a big cock...I find that he is asexual. Or he has a really, really bad attitude. Or he is straight and married in a bad relationship but is fucking a lot of other women and men on the side.


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